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Mayra's pov

I heard a knock on the hospital door and I opened my eyes. The door slowly opened as I saw Grayson stepping into the room. His eyes were all watery. Why was he looking so sad? I forgot everything that happened between us at that moment. "Grayson?" I asked as I sat up.

He nodded and started to cry as he walked towards me after closing the door. He gave me a warm long hug. He just cried. This was the most confusing thing in the history of confusing things. After he pulled himself back from the hug, he dried his tears and sat down on a chair next to me.

He started at the ground. "I'm sorry." He said as another tear rolled down his cheek and he immediately dried his tear. "It's okay." I said as I went through his hair to make it less messy. He took my hand and looked at me now. "No it's not." He said.

"I need to tell you something horrible." He began. I took a breath. If he tells me that, it'll be horrible. "You.." he said and looked at the ground. "You lost the baby." He said and he slowly looked back up, afraid of my reaction.

"You're kidding, that's what you want." I laughed and he shook his head. "No that's not what I want and I'm serious." He said and we looked straight in each others eyes. His eyes were still watery. "Oh my god, you do mean it." I said and he nodded.

I became quiet. "I lost it?" I asked again and Grayson nodded again. I laid back down and put my hands on my belly. I used to feel the baby kick. "You need to give labor as soon as possible." He said and I just stared at the ceiling.

My vision was blurred. I felt dead inside. In the beginning it was so hard to accept the fact I was pregnant. Now I accepted it and actually looked forward to it. You can't explain how special it feels when a little you is growing in you.

It's like you have a special bond with it. I can't think of a way to explain this to you but believe me, it's special. I sat up as tears started to run. I finally realized what Grayson told me. I started to shake and I cried uncontrollably.

"I finally accepted this baby and now I lost it." I said as I looked at Grayson. "It would've been our little girl." I cried. "I even had a few names to choose at." I said as I took Grayson's hand. "It was a girl?" He asked and I nodded. "Woah." He said as I looked at him confused.

"My heart hurts." He said after that. "Mine does too, like a lot." I said as Grayson took me in his arms. When he finally made up his mind of wanting the baby, he loses it. That must hurt so bad. But we'll have each other.

Warning: the book is almost ending!

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