Just In Chase

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I own nothing-blue cupcake

Zoë here
Just in case you didn't know.
his eyes weren't supposed to be gold.
I ran to find Luke

Luke here.
I was in the Posiedon cabin cleaning and dancing around. To a old singers song
Zoë rammed into me.
"So.did you see that?"I said
She shook her head no franticly
She explained the whole Blake/KRONOS situation
,"holy hades.'"I said
She nodded
We went to tell Chiron.
I'm pretty sure she was having a panic attack
She was gasping for air franticly.
we bumped into Tristin (I may spell it weird sometimes...autocorrect)
She explained
"Okay keep calm"he said
"TRISTAN I CANT KEEP IM FREAKING OUT!!"she screamed and slapped him"oops sorry...'"she said
"First of all.its okay second of all OUCH third of ALLL apology accepted "he said
"Excuse me real quick."she said
She stepped behind me.
And said some very very unpolite things in Spanish.
I had learned a little bit of Spanish from her.
Then she stepped forward
"Okay better"she said
"Come on! "I said
We told CHIRON
He nodded understandingly .
"We need to find him"he said

Later on that night
Zoë here
I was at the beach.
Okay think of funny things...like The time Luke got a pencil stuck up his nose .haha that was funny.
Or the time Luke jumped out of a tree and fell on his face.
I was freaking out
,"you okay?"SOEMONe said
I turned around
,"hey Tristan "I said"and no not okay at all"I said
He sat down beside me
"It'll all be okay"he siad
"How do you know?did you not hear the prophecy...to death .and FIRE the titan ...will fall"I said "not to mention that it said ' a loved one dies at the hands of death' what if it's you Tristan?i can't loose you"I said
"And you won't"he said
"Thanks"I said"you can go back now.im fine "I said
He got up and kissed my head then left.
After he was gone I stood up .
And snuck into the woods.with Luke
I had a good idea of where Blake was.
We arrived In Bar Harbour ,Maine after "borrowing" a car
Blake was born here.he and his dad lived here before they moved to Long Island and I met him
I decided to check the one place I knew he would be...
His house.
He had described it to me.
It was a normal sized house.
He said it had one red door right at the front
Well finding the red door was easy.
I knocked on it and a woman answered the door.
She looked...oddly familiar.
"I need to talk to Blake Di Angelo"I said
"Who?"she said
Oh yeah. ...she called him by his first name...
"I need to see ,your son, David"I said
"He just left sorry honey...want a cookie?"she said
"Uhh.,no thanks"I said
"Oh come on in....Zoë Valdez...I had teased your father quite a bit."she said
I noticed her face seemed to be changing .getting. More beautiful...
And finally I figured out who Blake's mom is......
Can ya guess?
Yeah.imma let you figure that out...
"Ya know , I think it's sweet...how your looking for an old "friend" even though he is evil"she said
"Well Mrs.Aphro .he was a close friend of mine growing up..."I said "there's still a chance to save him"I said
"Well your gonna need this..."she said and tossed me a ...ring?
"Oh it's so lady like...you see when you wear it ...it's a ring...when you don't, it's a Sword!a silver sword and a pretty one..."she said
"Umm I'm better with hammers...and my sorcery ."I said
"I know but my husband. Insisted that you take this.something about war and all...and your hair is absolutly aweful!"she' said
And In the end I. Ended up walking out in makeup , black heels, and my hair straightened...and my camp half blood shirt was now a short blue dress with, black leggings underneath
And though Luke didn't say anything.he ended up in khakis and a purple dress shirt and a tie
"That was ...helpful"I said
."I don't know...I looked pretty awesome"he said
"Come on"I said and took my heels off and carried them with me
"Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch"I said walking on gravel
"Need your shoes back?"he said
,"no it hurts more to walk in those than it does to walk barefoot "I said"what is wrong with that woman!"
Luke ended up giving me a piggy back ride
"Thanks!"I said
,"you made me... "he said
We had to find the nearest entrance which was 1 mile ahead.
and by our luck .
We ended up...in Quebec , canada...
"How is this possible ?we were just in Maine!"Luke said
"Something isn't right."i said"I'm cold too "I said
And Luke handed me his jacket
"Thanks..."I said
We saw a hotel place-y
We walked in and I saw a girl staring at me evil like.
We ended up walking into a room
,"Pizza!"a boy said
"Shut up .we have guests brother."the other said
He looked like that guy.off of that seventies show(literally the name of the show is that seventies show)the one with the Afro
Except this guy was uglier than him.
"Hi?"I said
A girl walked in
I'm guessing that khione.
"Sup', "Luke said to her
I punched his arm
"No. Not The Time "I said
"Come father wants to see you"she said
She brought .him upstairs
,,"why can't I. Go up!"I said
"Fire bad"the HOCKY looking guy said
After 15 minutes
"So I told Him , GO EAT A CAKE!"I said
He bursted out laughing
"Cake!"he said,"cake.funny"
I heard a loud thud upstairs
"I'm gona go see w-"i said
"No .you can't"he said ,,"sis say no"he said
"Oh really? "I said
I lot my hand on fire behind my back.
And punched him right across the face
."oops"I said and ran up the stairs
I saw khione and her dad yelling
And Luke seemed a little frozen.
I lit my hand on fire and melted the ice.
He was still just standing there
I slapped him a few times
,but silently.
I punched him.
Still nothing
"Gods of Olympus. , this is bad timing! ,"i said
I tried magic but nothing worked
"Luke !!FOCUS!"I said
Khione hadn't noticed me ...yet...
I kissed Luke's cheek
"I'm back"he said and shook his head
"What happened"I said
"Khione.frozen.ice.lets go!"he said
We took off running but khione chased me
I turned around and threw fire at her
"BAD ELSA , BAD!"I said
she looked angry .
But then flicked her finger and I flew out the window.
I was extremely scared.
Then SOEMONe grabbed me.
I looked up
"First of all,perfect timing.second of all.what are you doing here?"I said to Tristan
"I'm not allowed to Know when you sneak out of camp for a week"he said
"Oh yeah.heh"I said"wait a week?!"I said
He nodded
"How?"I said
Then I looked down.
I fidgeted but held on tighter
"I not gonna let ya fall.you know that right?"he said
"HEY!!!"Luke said waving"A LITTLE HELP!"he said
"Oh yeah,,"Tristan said"I'm gonna go get him you stay.on the ground"he said and flew me to the ground
Umm no I'm gonna help

Luke here.
Things went downhill so fast.
I ended up getting frozen.
And then I woke up.
And I could've sworn I saw Her kiss my cheek.
I saw her out the window hugging Tristan in mid air.
Man,that dudes got perfect timing, and perfect hair..he sucks.
Khione tried to throw me out the window.
But before she could she got knocked over by wind
She stood up angrily
,"oops never mind"I said
Tristan flew in ...jerk stealing my thunder...get it?hahahahaha!!!
Then Zoë came up the stairs huffing
I looked at her and immediately we both Knew the plan.
The entire windows and roof and even boreas throne was made of ice.so was the entire hotel
Zoë lit her hands on fire and melted the walls
.now we have water.
I raise my hands and in command the water knocked khione and boreas over
"OKAY !ready?"I said to Zoë
She motioned for Tristan to leave and he jumped out the window

Zoë shot white fire at all of the walls. And they all melted including the entire hotel all went down.
I grabbed Zoe's hand and made a bubble around us.
Good thing there was no one in it but Things made of clouds and immortals
We eventually were able to reach the ground
"Uhh too tired after all that fire."Zoë said and put her head outside the bubble and got a face full of water
It didn't seem to effect her
I grabbed her hand and pulled her back in.
I had to carry her to Tristan
"She's out cold"i said"literally"I said laughing
Tristan carried her as we were able to take a car to the next underworld entrance.
But first we had to find SOEMTHING to help us defeat KRONOS/Blake.
And that was at some place called ...the lotus casino?odd name.

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