Im On the Verge of a Murder Spree

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I own nothing ..moo~blue cupcake

Zoë here
This is the perfect way to go out.
Note heavy sarcasm.
I had defeated gaea,only to loose my boyfriend, and my memories, and have him with some chick who I don't care what her name is, and then fall to my death.yeah.marvelous.this just can't get any better.
If I could go back in time.
I would've slapped him.
Then I noticed im wasn't falling.
I was...floating?
,"well , if it isn't better go back to Lois Lane "I said (sorry if I spelt it wrong.X)
"Since when can I fly?"he said
"Your a freaking idiot."I said
"You just confirmed my suspicions ."he said
"As you did mine"I said
"You suspicions about what?"he said
,"that the male species needs to be eliminated .entirely ."I said"because boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider.which basically means you go to your grandfather to get stupid.but then it would just run in your blood."I said
"I can just drop you now."he said
"But you won't."I said
"How do you know that?"he said
"Because the Great Joëy. Knows all."I said"Elizabeth should be here any minute"I said"and if you were to let me go.i would have Bob jr. Hunt you down and devour you completely while sparkles filmed it"I said
He looked confused
"Yeah Old Tristan would've got that joke"I said
"Okay look -I don't know you."he said
"But you did."I said"but frankly I don't even care anymore this is like the third time we have been separated and i have gotten used to it.and now.i have the feeling.a really deep deep feeling that-"i said and looked him in the eyes

Tristan here
"That I deeply deeply deeply and truly ....hate you"she said sincerely
And then Luke flew past us
"AHHH!"he said
"LUKE!"she said ."oh wait .hes got this.NICE FALL LUUUUCAS!"she said
"What?"I said
"Were over camp half blood.he will fall into the lake"she said
"But that will kill him!that far of a fall!"I said
"Dude.okay go save your girlfriend she is falling over ride just fell."she said"oh and there's one more thing I gotta do"she said
She slapped me and then jumped free
Great now there both dead.
I was able to grab Quinn
,"what is wrong with these people!you can fly?"she said
We flew down to where Zoë said
She walked out of the lake unharmed
And dry?
"The Perks of Being Friends with Luke"she said "great movie title."she said
"Where in the world am I?"I said
,"oh crap.i forgot wrong camp..I got this.i think I can make it to camp Jupiter and Tristan, are you scared of going so fast that it feels like your face is falling off?"she asked
"Yes."I said
"Great."she said and grabbed my hand and then like 18 seconds later I was at some diffrent camp.
She let go of my hand as soon as we got there and she walked off.seeming hurt.
" he is.doesnt remember anything.bye I gotta go"she said
"You need help getting back?"he said
"No.its just me this time.i can do it."she said.
She was looking away.
"Bye."she said and flashed away.
"What did you do."Sammy said looking at me.
"What?"I said
"Zoë always makes eye contact the only time she hasn't was when she first got back from TARTARUS .and at the lotus casino when you found her."he said
"Look ,I don't know you or her or anyone ."I said
"Yeah.your being a real schist head."he said and walked off.

Zoë here
Back at camp
I had to think happy thoughts.stay ahead of the sadness.
"Hey repair girl"Luke said walking up
"where did you take Tristan."quinn said trying to intimidate me.
I scoffed
"Honey, if your trying to scare won't work .I have been to TARTARUS and back!i have faced freaking Gaea.and I have made quite a few enemies.but if YOU think YOU scare me.girl you got another thing coming, I will burn your britches faster than you can say 'Thalia's Tree"I said
"Ohhhhh Snap."Luke said"you just unlocked a new level of Zoë. And I thought Zosassy level was bad.but phew.that was scary."he said
And this girl was a lot taller than me
I walked off with Luke.
"Zoë is now one of those Zoë days?is today the day we need to break out the "f" ?"he said
I nodded.
We went into his cabin and turned on 'Frozen'(not what you excpected .)
" thinking what I'm thinking"I asked

30 seconds later
Luke here
We were singing for the first time in forever.
Then we sang Love is an open door.well zoë sang her version
"Okay your having a mental moment"I said.
Now I was about to do something no one had ever come back unharmed From
I was going to .give .zoë.coffee.


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