Im Dead.

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I own nothing ~blue cupcake the plot belongs to rick(except twisted a little bit)

Tristan here
.wow I'm an idiot.
If zoë finds out.that I kissed zoë .zoë will kill me. And possibly hunt down zoë and kill zoë too.poor zoë .
Wow I just confused myself.

Luke here.
We were walking and ran into a little problem.
Or a big problem that's like very tall
"EIIIP!"zoë said hiding behind me
"Hi I'm bob!"the tall problem said
"I-I'm Z-Zoë "zoë said
"Zoë? "He said hopefully
,"yeah , zoë Valdez.daughter of calypso"she said
"Calypso...she is my granddaughter.zoe was my granddaughter too...well zoë nightshade was."he said
"Hey I have heard about her!she is my namesake.shes the hero in the sky"she said"so you gonna kill us ?"she said
"No.i can help you. I helped two demigods before. Annabeth Chase, and Percy jackson"he said
"My parents?they were in Tartarus?"I said
"What? MR.jackson was in Tartarus to?!?"zoë said
,"yes me and small bob closed the doors for them , small bob is my pet"he said
"You have a pet!"zoë said"what kind is it?"
"A. Kitten ,big kitten and was..."he said
"Aww.what happened."zoë said
"He is sick."he said
"I can help!"zoë said
Bob took us to his pet.
I have no clue why zoë wanted to help him.
But a little while later:
Zoë was standing next to a very.very,big kitten.
"She is so cute!"zoë said
"She?"Bob asked
"Yep.small bob wasn't "sick" she was pregnate!"she said
Zoë was holding a little kitten
"Let's name it bob jr.!"Bob said
"Yeah!"zoë said .
Eventually bob, small bob, bob jr. . Zoë and me traveled to find the doors.
We ran into some empousa
And zoë was in no shape to fight.but she tried anyhow.
Bob was fighting 3 at a time.
Zoë stepped in front of me and lit her hands on fire
"So.your the one Gaia wants?pathedic"the empousa said
"What?"I said
Zoë appeared to not know as well
"Yeah.i have seen her little fella .he was with that "other " zoe"the other empousa said
"WHO?!?"zoë said her arms catching complete fire.(clothes don't burn)
"Oh yeah they were on the beach and he hugged her."she said
Zoes legs caught fire(remmeber her clothes don't burn she invented fireproof clothing)
"Zoë Nightshade.they even kissed!"the empousa said
Zoë herself caught fire.
And burned them all to ashes.including the ones bob was fighting.
Mental note:
Never make zoë mad.
She was no longer on fire but her fists were.
I heard her mumble
"She was right.cant trust Sons of Jupiter.guess that goes for grandsons too"she mumbled faintly
"Zoë I'm sure their lying let's go"I said
We, continued to walk
Zoë see,we extra mad.
Her pain had apperently subsided.
If what those empousa said was true.
Mr .Thomas-the-train. Was gonna get a good sharp pencil to the eye.
We continued walking and zoë started to limp again.
Bob healed her.
Zoe looked near tears .
She looked scared and broken.
We reached the doors.
But that was the problem .there was a waiting list.
Of lots of monsters.
"Holy-"zoë said
"Hera."I said
"I have an idea."zoë said puting her hand on her magic tool belt.
She got out a huge hammer
"Empousa to titans get in a here to break down These doors .please go jump in the river way back there.thats where the waiting line starts"she said
No one would fall for that and jump into the river that drowns them.
Well .
1/4 of the line left.
"Who are thou?"one Titan said .holy was koios
"Uhh, I'm the Door Repair Man."she said "my name is joëy And this is Elizabeth my Annoying assistant."she said adjusting her goggles .
"Hullo"I said flicking my hair bieber style.except much more awesome because I don't look like a tiny ugly druggie (sorry if that offends anyone )
Koios didn't believe it.becuase he made motion to attack zoë but she ducked.
"Rude."she said and kicked his shin.
She smiled sweetly than took off running to the doors
"So that's your plan?"I said
"You got a better one?"she said
"Not exactly"I said
We were suprisingly able to .run through the doors.
Bob came in too
,"Luke, how are we supposed to. .close the doors?"zoë said

Maria here
We were Walking around in the house of hades
And suddenly someone grabbed me.
And I appeared in a white room.
,"hello"a mans voice whispered.
I didn't see anyone.
"Uh hi?"I said
"I'm not letting you go until you admit"it said
"Admit what?let me go I have to help my friends"I said
I swung my sword around
"You missed,"
"Shut up"
"This is just sad.and pathedic admit and you can leave, oh by the way I'm Eros"it said
My eyes widened
This can't be happening.
"It can"he said .
How did-
Never mind.
"I need to go!"I said
"Please"I said
"Why?!?!!i need to go!" I said
"ADMITWHAT? Admit my feelings?!?its not like you don't know!" I screamed,"you want me to admit it?fine.i admit it!okay?i ADMIT IT ALL!"I said

Julius here.
Well I just heard a little chat between Maria and cupid.
Wow, didn't EXCPECT wonder she dislikes Tristan.
I'm not gonna tell her I know.

Yes this plot is from RICK Riordan but twisted a little
And no I do not own it.and I never will.
I do not own the Main characters as zoë, bob, small bob,and ECT.

And wow.eros is jerk.

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