A New Enemy

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I own nothing ~blue cupcake

Tristan here.

Maria and a very seemingly shocked Julius came back.

."where did you go?"I said


"Uhhh"I said

"What she said"Julius said

We found Zoë and Luke

They were sitting on the ground ...next to the elevator/doors. They must have just gotten back.

Zoë was crying and Luke was hugging her.

I could've sworn Zoë had a saber tooth cat in her hand.

"Poor bob!!!"Zoë was saying"and bob jr. Never got to know his mother!!!"she said

She looked pretty shaken up.

But that seemed to turn into anger when she saw me

"Hold my bob."she said handing Luke bob.

She walked up to me.

Luke handed the "bob" to Maria quickly and had was staying behind Zoë.as if ready to hold her back

"Ahem , did you happen to go to an island called Ogyia , and spend time with my aunt?"she said

"No."I said

She got closer to my face

,"are you lying to me?if I find out that you lied.so help me,Hera, we Are so done that even HEPHAESTUS thinks were to burned and too hot to touch."she said

Okay, I'm scared now.

"Zoë , you want the truth?then yes, I did kiss Zoë , but it meant nothing."I said

And immediately regretted it.

She didn't slap me, or hurt me.

Instead .she looked at me sadly .with a look of pure disappointment.

Then Luke kicked my shin.

We were able to get back to the Argo 3 , I don't even want to tell you about what we had to go through to get back.

Zoë just ignored me.

Didn't even acknowledge me, but I can't blame her.im an AWEFUL person.

She was sitting on the deck.

Looking at the sky

I thought I heard her mumble something.

Zoë here

While we were discussing who would close the doors.

"I will."bob said

"B-but "I said

,"I did it before.get in the elevator .take bob jr. With you.and do me a favor."he said

"Yeah?"Luke said

"A while back , I asked a girl to tell the sun and the stars that I said 'hi' , now can you tell them, that I said...Goodbye"he said (I didn't intend the rhyme)

I nodded yes

Now were up to date

I was On the deck.

Luke walked up beside me.

I looked at the sky

"Bob Says Goodbye"I said

I hugged Luke

I was being held together by stitches, and even they were coming loose.

"I never wanna go through that again.today just hasn't been my day ya know.actually It hasn't quite been my year.I spent so long looking for someone, only to have them break my heart."I said

"My mom had that problem with my dad.sortve.i mean they weren't dating when he kissed ms.dare, and ms.dare technically kissed him, and then before that was your mom, but that was just a small crush and nothing else, but then there was- nah she was crazy.and when my mom and dad did get together there was Reyna.but he shot her down.phew.

Then they took a fall to TARTARUS as I now know.woah, my parents have gone from crazy sorcery lady to psychotic misty redhead , to even a giant spider, and they still made it through.man, that makes me sad I got no one "he said

"Beautiful life story there"I said "and I'm gonna ignore the fact you called my mom a crazy sorceress lady"I said

He smiled.

"LUKE ETHAN DIXON JACKSON , YOU FELL INTO TARTARUS, HOW AM I GONNA EXPLAIN THIS TO MOM!!?!!!"a iris message said"ohh having fun there hugging my friend?"it said

"Speak of the Hades, hey sis"Luke said

,"hey Thals!"I said

"Soooo.care to explain?"she said(not thalia Grace thalia jackson)

"Uhh it's a long story this is umm.a sympathetic hug?"Luke said

"Yeah umm sure.mom doesn't know that you were even going to Rome!"she said"pencil head when you get back , oh wait, I'm gonna blackmail you with this"she said "and so this is "sympathetic "hug is because..."she said

"My idiot ex."I said

,"okay new goal for the day.plot to kill Tristan"thalia said

"Join the club "Luke said

"Ladies, there will be no killing, unless it's done by me.and I'm gonna go work to try and figure out the statue.well the real one"I said

Luke and his sister were arguing.

The rest of the night I crawled over the statue.

Trying to figure it out.

I fell asleep

,"hello?"someone said

I woke up.

I had fallen asleep on the statues shield

"Who is it?"I said not bothering to open my eyes. I was sitting up though.

"Uhh.the last person on the earth you wanna see right now?"he said

"So I'm guessing it's the idiot.superman"I said

,"ding ding?'"he said

.'"yeah bother me when I didn't just escape TARTARUS and when I didn't just break up with superman"i said

"And you didn't break up with superman, you broke up with Idiot Guy.the dumbest man on this side of Gaias face"he said

"Oh yeah I broke up with him too,"I said opening my eyes"and I'm debating wether or not to open the latch and let you and the statue fall through"I said

, ,"you know I can fly right?"he said

"Not if your knocked out you can't."I said "and excpecially not if a giant statue falls on you"I said

"Im scared now ,"he said

"You weren't already ?"I said

"At least your talking to me"he said

"Yeah, i guess insulting you is more fun than ignoring you, but I'm gonna go back to ignoring you tomorrow ,"I said

"Then I guess I have tonight. To say I'm a complete idiot"he said

"Amongst other things,yes your an idiot"I said

"Yeah , and I regret it.and believe me when I tell you, I don't like her"he said

"Why would i believe you ?how do I know you don't like her?"I said

"Because.i have a good reason.you may not want to hear it"he said

"Is it because your gay? If so then I owe Maria five bucks"I said (sorry if that offended anyone)

"First of all WHAT?!?! Why would you even?"he said

,"and second of all?"I said looking at him

"Because ... I Love You"he said

And now I'm fully awake!!!!!!!

Is this a bad/ and or good thing?

Please comment who you think she likes more and who you like more ?

Tristan Or Luke?

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