Coffee Hangover.

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I own nothing ~blue cupcake

Luke here
Carrying Zoë over my shoulders like a sack of potatoes
She moaned
"Coffee ..tired......"she said then I heard snoring.
"Okie dokie.come on let's get you back into your cabin."I said
I bumped into Mike .son of Hephaestus
"Take this."I said and handed her to him
"Gosh Sis' , lemme guess coffee?"he said
They all just pretend like she is there makes it less confusing.because technically she is a legacy .but still.
He took her back to the cabin.

The next day.
"Hey Luke.thanks for dealing with coffee Zoë yesterday."she said to me
" never giving you coffee again."I said
"Yeah.never do that."she said and sat do beside of me on the dock.
I could actually have a chance?
No.But.tristan doesn't remember her...what if?if what if he gets his memories Back.
I looked over.
She was playing with her finger. The tip of It was on fire .
"Your easily amused."I said
"Yeah.i have been asleep for like 24 still deciding what' was a dream and what wasn't.its 3:00 and I'm still confused."she said.
"What I thought it was 2:00?!"I said
,"dudeeeee your wayyy off"she said and flicked my head
"I have seen pictures of your that you woke up Oneday and your hair was look so much like him.its almost scary, now who am I gonna say is my blonde best friend?"she asked.
"I wonder if it will ever be blonde again."I said
"Yeah.i do to.i also wonder if your gonna be bald Oneday."she said.
"What?"i said
"Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"she said and handed me a cupcake
"What?"I said
"It's your birthday, stupid!"she said
It was a blue cupcake. With blue icing (blue cupcake ;)
We split the cupcake
"Wow I'm 17."I said
,"I's crazy.,"she said"it seems like just yesterday I met you .gods, you were a weird kid"she said
"What?"I said"you were weirder!"I said
"You wish."she said
"whatcha doing?"wren said (clarisse and Chris' son)walking up with his group of ares kids
"Hey Wren."Zoë said
"Oh get up."he said and they picked us up
and threw us in the water
I made a bubble.
Okay.this is gonna get so cliché .
I kissed her.
Wow I have bad timing.
What is she gonna say?!
Is she gonna slap me?
Oh man she slaps hard.
Man.what if she slaps me while her hand is on fire!
She did something I didn't expect at all.
She kissed me back.
You know how my dad said that he and mom had the best underwater kiss ever?
Well.he lied.
Because this just happened.
We got out of the water.
The tip of her nose was on fire.she patted it out.

then Tristan walked by with that girl.
And for the first time.i don't think Zoë cared.
Maria walked up grinning like she had just discovered happy meals.
"What'?"Zoë said
Maria looked like she expected us to know
"Oh come on!"she said
" I blanking out?am I have a Zoë moment?"I said
"What?"Zoë said .
Maria pointed to my hand.
I was holding hands with Zoë.
(That WOAH moment.)
I waited for one of us to let go.
But it didn't happen.
.then Sammy walked up
"Finally."he said"this took like 4eva,when were you gonna dump that dude.!"he said
"Okay is. This like the I hate Tristan club?"Zoë said"and technically he broke up with me."she said "but if there is an I-Hate-Tristan-Club,freaking sign me up."she said.
We went to the camp fire.
I noticed Tristan sitting on,one side and the girl sitting way on the other.glaring daggers at him.
Zoë was laughing while she listened to everyone trying to sing.she laughed especially hard when I tried.
Then Rileee.the oracle walked out..
"The Legacies Unite,
For the Queens last fight.
The Last of its kind shall avenge them all.
And then the Real Hero, will fall."she said
"Zo,it could be 70 years until that prophecy comes true."Luke said.
I sat down next to him.
"Yeah.i guess so."I said and smiled.
Finally .A Happy Ending.

I may write another story after this or I may just continue this one. Please comment what I should so!
I luv all my readers :))) ~blue cupcake

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