Chapter 7

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The sun was setting by the time my room was ready. It cast beautiful golden sunlight into the room, my room. The light blue paint had already dried, seeing as there wasn't much wall to paint. The largest wall in the room was covered in windows and then a large portion of another wall was covered in floor to ceiling bookshelves. Some workers brought in and assembled a white wood canopy, and my maids and I had fun decorating it. We also decided to bring in some soft cushioned armchairs and a simple, round table. With the majority of the work finished, Maat started a bath, filled with rose petals, and Rory went to choose a nightgown for me. Angie excused herself to go gather my dinner. 

"Come, Diana," Maat instructed ,nodding her head towards the bath. I walked in, but turned toward her in surprise as she followed me . "What are you doing?" I stammered. "Helping you," she stated, all business. Despite my protests, I finally relented, allowing Maat and Rory to help scrub my hair and arms. I could do the rest, I assured them. I soaked for awhile, but soon Angie came with my dinner, so, rather reluctantly, I got out and toweled off.  Rory brought over my pajamas for the night and I slipped the shirt and shorts. They were made of a soft, shiny cloth and were a sky blue. The thin spaghetti straps left my arms cold, so Maat grabbed a fuzzy white robe from my closet. I ate my dinner, which was seasoned chicken and grilled veggies, in front of the wall length, gilded mirror, while Angie brushed and dried my hair. Done with my food and ready for bed, I thanked my maids and bed them goodnight. 

"Who would you like to stay with you for the night?" asked Rory. "What do you mean," I said, turning to look at her.

"Well, a maid always stays with the Lady, incase she needs anything."

No wanting to be rude, but wanting to be alone, I came up with the best argument I could. "I already have a bell to send for you, and you guys would be no help if you were bone tired. Please, go to sleep, and I promise to call if I need anything." It took a little while, but eventually I got them to leave, and they each curtsied a goodnight, softly closing the door behind them. For the first time since I got to the palace I was alone, and I breathed out a sigh, falling heavily onto my new bed. It was the softest thing I had ever felt, but still I was uncomfortable. Rising, I looked around the room for my bag. I found it in a corner of the closet, looking very bland next to the exquisite garments. Luging the bag back to my beg, I tossed it onto my mattress. I dug through my belongings, desperately needing a piece of home. There, at the bottom of the bag, laid my carefully packaged picture frames. Pulling them out, I went over to my new bookshelf (where the palace already had it filled with books) and started setting them out. 

There was a photo of Gigi, in her safari clothes and funny hat, looking very sweet while holding a Scarlett  macaw.  Then, a photo of Mom, with her hair whipping behind her while she laughed. It was from a trip to study animals in Bali. I smiled, wishing I was back there, studying wildlife, instead of being in the Selection. I pulled out another photo, trying not to dwell, and I laughed. It was of Tatum, puckering his lips in a kissy face while wearing a tacky princess gown and plastic tiara to a costume contest. He won.  Setting it aside, I put up more photos, handing the ones without frames to the walls with some left over tape. 

The last photo was in an intricate gold frame. It was Gigi, but from when she was in the selection. I printed it off the internet in secret after I heard of her history. She looked radiant, with curled chestnut hair and a glowing smile. Her dress was a beautiful gold and she sat back straight and hands folded, but with a glimmer in her eyes as if someone just told her a secret. And around her neck hung a star pendant I hadn't seen since Grandpa passed away.  Instead of placing the photo on the shelf, went and put it beside my bed. To remind me of why I was here.

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