Chapter 11

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The huge mass of girls all headed towards the dinning hall, following behind the prince. From the corner of my eye, I looked over to the girl I had went to stand by. I couldn't make out her pin... or anything about her. Her huge hair blocked the way, a curly mass that dared anyone to question her. Before I could tell anything more about her, we were there, in the spacious room. Cathedral ceilings and swooping windows, everything about the place screamed wealth. I shuddered, thinking back to the poor kids of New Asia's poverty. This grand experience made me sick.  I curtsied with the other girls and went to find my seat. It was right next to the head table. Just great, I thought, more chances to embarrass myself. Suddenly, the girl with the afro sat down across from me. Finally left with a clear view, I looked at her. Her face was slightly downcast, giving her a serene look. Hidden beneath wild curls  was dark skin and large black eyes. She looked up at me and smiled, her hair bouncing as she moved. "Hiya, I'm Alondra," she whispered. "Diana," I whispered back, giving her a small smile. I had the feeling she was going to say more, but that was when the doors opened. In walked the entire royal family.

I never realized how many of them there was until they were all walking in for the special occasion. First there was the Majesties Maxon and America, walking arm in arm. Then came their kids with their partners. Her Majesty Eadlyn with her King Consort Eikko, with her kids, Prince Milo, Princess Kyra, and Princess Nia. Then came Eadlyn's brother Ahren, with his wife, the Queen of France. Then all three of their kids. There was Eadlyn's other brothers, Kaden and Osten, and Kaden's wife, Duchess Zola, with their two kids. 

Just as I thought I was going to get a headache from the dizzying numbers, in came Lady May with her actor husband Vale. In May's arms was a dark skinned baby, wrapped in a golden blanket. I almost forgot of their adopted baby girl, Juniper. At last, they all sat at the head, and it was only then that I noticed how long the table was. Everyone finally seated, in came trays and platters carrying all sorts of foods. Mouth watering, I forgot about the overwhelming about of people and started eating. Closing my eyes as I bit into a twisted roll, I heard a twinkling giggle beside me. I widened my eyes, turning towards the girl. She had a short blond bob and wore a pale green dress. Her silver pin read Holly

"You've never had a cinnamon roll?" she asked lightly, still grinning at my reaction. Swallowing my bite, I answered, "Not in a long time. A definitely not one this good." She laughed again, and started up a conversation. "So, where're you from...Diana?" she asked, reading my pin. "Honestly, everywhere. I travel often," I answered, looking down at my dress. Holly wiggled in her seat. "Really? That's amazing!" she squealed. "Where all do you travel, Diana?" asked Alondra, joining into our chat. 

"Everywhere really, where ever a story takes me. I just came back from a rural part of New Asia," I said, a little bashful. I wasn't used to people asking questions about me. It was usually the other way around. "You write?" interjected the girl to my right. She had gently curled hair and and a light purple dress, with a pin that read Jane. She looked at me with soulful amber eyes and a small smile. I nodded slightly, feeling a little overwhelmed. "What all do you write?" she questioned politely.  "Um, mostly studies of animals... sometimes studies of social life and of different cultures. Basically anything," I whispered to the three ladies, who were all leaning towards me. As some of the royal family stood, Holly leaned over and quickly whispered, "You need to tell us of your travels sometime!" Before I could answer, Queen Eadlyn spoke.

"Hello ladies. It is our privilege to be hosting you for however long you may stay. I do hope you oblige by the rules, but still, don't forget to enjoy your time here," she smiled over at all of us. 

"See you all at dinner." And with that, we were released to explore until the evening. 

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