Chapter 4

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Katsu woke and looked out the window.

"Another dag another time alon-" she thought of Max and blushed. "I don't think so." She shook her head, got dressed, grabbed her keys and walked out of the appartment and down the hall.

Max was sleeping peacefully until his alarm went off. He groaned and got out of bed changing before leaving to school.

"I wonder if Katsu goes to the same school?"

Katsu asked around to try and find the school, until she finally found it. She sighed.

"Finally, the school is huge...and I couldn't even find it." She sweat dropped and put an emotionless expression before entering the school.

Max finally made it to the school and walked inside.

"Hey everyone!" He said smiling.

"HEY IT'S MAX!!!" Everyone yelled as they saw him.

"Maxie nice ta see ya!" A random girl stated.

"How da bros?" A guy asked.

"Heh..." He walked past the crowd awkwardly, thinking, 'Man, Baker and Baxter sure leave quite the impression of me here.'

Katsu hears the commotion and walks towards the crowd.

'I wonder what is happening.' She thought.

Max stood awkwardly in between the huge crowd. Then he saw a familiar face.

'Katsu?' He thought blushing. Katsu looked around the crowd.

'Hmmm, I still don't see what the fuss is about.' She thought trying to look over the people. Max tried to leave the crowd, but failed--miserably.

"Katsu, help me!" He yelled.

Katsu turned around and saw Max.

"Max!!" She called out before pushing through the crowd, grabbing Max's arm and pulling him out of the large group. Max panted.

"Th-thanks for that Katsu..." He noticed that Katsu was still holding his hand. Max blushed and looked away. Katsu looked at Max, panting as well.

"N-No problem..." She looked down and realized that she was still holding his arm.

"So umm, do ya know where your classes are?" Max asked. Katsu let go of Max's arm and grabbed her schedule, shoving it towards Max.

"It's on here I didn't see it yet because of the commotion." She explained.

"Um..." He looked at the paper. "We have first, second and fifth together, but I can still show you around if you want?" She nodded.

"Please." Max looked around.

"There's your third period right there and your fourth period is in the gym and your sixth is right next to mine so, yeah." He continued to look around. "We should get going to first though, kay Katsu?" The girl nodded with a small smile. Max grabbed her hand unknowingly and lead her to class. Katsu looked at their hands and blushed, then she just followed Max. They got inside the classroom early and Max saw that he was holding onto Katsu'd hand. He let go and turned away blushing.

"Sorry 'bout that." He apologized. Katsu blushed.

"It's okay." She looked away still blushing Max blushed harder when she said it was okay.

"ANYWAY!!!! The seat next to mine is empty, so you can sit there..." She looked at him and gave him a sweet smile.

"Okay, I'm glad it's next to you." She stated cutely. Max's blushed intensified. He sat down  in his seat and hid his face in his hands. Katsu looked at Max to see his face red, she pulled his hands away from his face and leaned closer to him while putting a hand on his forehead.

"Are you okay? Your not sick are you?" She asked.

"Uuuuuhhhhh, n-no I'm fine.....I just get really shy sometimes...." He looked away. Katsu looked at him before leaning back in her seat.

"So your shy around me? You didn't really look that shy back at the crowd."

"Um, well, I just, I was um..."

"He's not shy around me!!!!" A voice chimed in. A guy with black hair walked into the room. Katsu crossed her arms and pouted.

"And you said you were shy." She stated. She looked ata the person        and glared. "Who are you?"

"I'm his uncle...and who are you?" He asked. Max sat there awkwardly. Katsu glanced at Max, then at his uncle.

"Um, do you do need to know?" She asked showing no emotion.

"Umm, Uncle Gabe? Why are you in my class?" Max asked.

"Subbing." He answered. Max looked at Katsu, thinking, 'She stopped showing emotion after he asked her who she was...weird.'

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