Chapter 58

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Katsu- *leans back in surprise* Jo-John.....*smiles softly at him* It doesn't matter if you deserve me or not....I'm your friend, people have to fight me and beat me not to be your friend.

John- *wails loudly* *hugs her* *continues crying* *face and eyes are red*

(The poor lil pup.)

Katsu- *hugs him* It's okay John.

John- No it's nooot!!! *cries louder* Why did I.....why did I do that!? *gulps* *keeps crying*

Katsu- *hugs him tightly* I don't know John, but it's all over now, okay?

John- *takes deep breaths* *gulps* I-it's only start....starting.... *sniffs* I'm an idiot! Why....I...I don't want to live anymore!!! *tries to slip away*

Katsu- No!! *hugs him tighter*

John- Let me go!!! I don't deserve to live!!! Just let me!!! *keeps trying to slip away*


Katsu- If you lose your life I will lose someone dear to me!!!

John- *stops* *takes steady breaths* *eyes are wide and red*

Katsu- *feels him relax and let's him go a little*

John- Please....I just want to die....if the rest of my family finds out....if the school finds out....everyone will hate me....

Katsu- No! I won't hate you! Don't I count as anyone?! That's what people always say!!! "Everyone, Everybody." That's all they say but I count don't I?!

John- You do, but....if people find uncle's reputation will plumit....he'll loose his jobs.....things like what I did today....they're...they're against the law.....I could go to jail....and Max and his brothers will loose all their money eventually....if I kill myself all can live happily.


Katsu- *lets go of him and punches the wall* Y'all think so quick in the wrong way!!! We could do something else where none of that happens!!! And If you die.....I won't be living happily knowing that you told me this and I did nothing about it.

John- *sits there* I....*looks down* ....

Katsu- Y'all just keep thinking of yourself or the family....not thinking if someone you trust can help out, fix things, and be happy.....

John- are family....

Katsu- Exactly!!!

John- I-I'm sorry...

Katsu- *turns to John with a sad smile* Sorry I went all out on that.

John- It's fine...I'm just...scared.

Katsu- *hugs him again* It's okay, I'll be around if you need someone.

John- Thank you...*hugs back*

Katsu- *smiles and pulls back* Anytime.

John- You should go.

Katsu- *stands up* What bout you?

John- Free period...I just wake up at the same time as everyone I can get out of the house.

Katsu- Oh *looks back* I guess I have to go, I'm sorry.

John- Okay.....see ya. *waves*

Katsu- *smiles and waves back and runs back to class*

John- *sighs* I won't do it.....not today anyways. Maybe something else...

Katsu- *enters class with a big smile* 'I'm so glad I helped someone out!!!'

Ronnie- There you are!                

Gabe- You're late!!

Katsu- *blushes and rubs back of neck* I'm sorry I, uh, had to do something!!

Gabe- *crosses arms* Uh-huh. Sure you did. Sit down Katsu.                                                

Toby- *laughs a bit* You're not mad at her....are you da- I mean Mr.Tale....                          

Gabe-, but seriously, where is Max?

Katsu-Where is Max?

Ronnie- Noemi dragged him away before we got to class again.

Katsu- *turns to Ronnie with her head tilted a little* Noemi?

Toby- That orange haired freshman girl.

Katsu- *nods and turns around thinking* 'What are they doing?

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