Chapter 67

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Toby- Hey hey hey! Careful! You almost stepped on me!
Josh- *laughs*

Katsu- *leans her head on Max's shoulder*

Max- *stiffens up* *relaxes*

Katsu- *smiles*

Michelle- *hugging Katsu*

Katsu- *hugging Michelle back*

Toby- *rolling around on the floor bored*

Katsu- Toby quit moving!! It's bothering me!!

Toby- Hmph! I don't wanna. *continues rolling around*
John- *groans* *throws a pillow at him*

Katsu- Thanks John, I was about to do that.

John- You're welcome.
Toby- *sits up* *pouts*

Katsu- *falls asleep slowly*

Max- *looks at Katsu asleep*
Toby- *sees that Katsu is asleep* *starts rolling around again*

Katsu- *begins to wake up and grabs pillow* *mumbles* Let me sleep.

Toby- I doubt you could hit me with that.

Katsu- *gets up fast and hits Toby with it* Say That Again!!!

Toby- Ow! Ow! Okay okay!!! I'm sorry! I'll stop! *rolled up in a ball covering his head with his hands*

Katsu- *drops pillow, goes back to spot, and goes back to sleep*

Toby- *whines* That hurt!

Katsu- *groans* Quiet!!!

Max- Go to sleep Toby.
Toby- I hate you. *pouts*
Michelle- We should sleep.
John- Yeah, I agree.
Toby- But I'm bored and not tired!

Katsu- *stands up* Can I have my own room? *whines* Toby is too loud!!

Toby- I'll be quiet! I'll be quiet! *covers mouth* *muffled* See?

Katsu- *groan* What did you eat?

Toby- Nothing today, why?

Katsu- You act like you ate sugar all day.

Toby- No, I'm just not tired, that's all. *looks down*

Katsu- *nods and curls up against Max* I'm going to sleep.

Max- *wraps an arm around her* *closes his eyes*
Toby- *watches everyone fall asleep* *looks down* *feels lonely*

Katsu- *feels warmth and snuggles closer*

Toby- *wanders around the house in the dark*

Katsu- *wakes up and sees everyone but Toby* *slowly removes Max's arm and walks around to find Toby*

Toby- *walks around* Where am I? *bumps into a table* Sh*t!

Katsu- *hears and follows* *whispers* Toby? *walks around the table in front of her*

Toby- *holding side* Cr*p. *has tears in eyes*

Katsu- *sees Toby's form* *whispers* You okay?

Toby- *winces* Yeah, just jabbed my side on the table.

Katsu- *laughs softly* Be careful next time.

Toby- Yeah no sh*t. Agh.

Katsu- Don't use that language.

Toby- Sorry, my skin's just really sensitive. *mutters* F*ck.

Katsu- *pulls his ear gently* Heard that.

Toby- Sh*t, oh cr*p sorry. Agh! I c-can't think straight when I'm in pain. It f*ck*ng hurts. *grips side*

Katsu- *sighs and walks toward the light switch and turns it on* Better?

Toby- Y-yeah. *sits down in a chair* *chair wobbles* *falls off* This is not my f*ck*ng day.

Katsu- Not with those words.

Toby- Sorry....*sits up* *looks down*

Katsu- *sighs* I wonder if your uncles have ever fallen off of their chair since, they weigh more than you.

Toby- No, it's not that....I'm just really clumsy.

Katsu- Sure......why did you wonder?

Toby- I...I don't know...

Katsu-.....I'm going back

Toby- Okay....*looks down again*

Katsu- *walks back to the room and sleeps by the door*

Toby- *stands up carefully* *goes to the bathroom* *sits down on the edge of the tub* *sniffs* *wipes a tear from his eye* God dammit Toby, not here...n-not now. *hides face in hands*

Katsu- *lays there awake worried* 'Toby didn't come back yet.'

Toby- *quietly sobbing into his hands*

Katsu- *sits up* *whispers while look at the dark* Toby?

Toby- *wipes his eyes* *sniffs* *cries softly*

Katsu- *looks down* 'Someone sad.'

Toby- Stop being such a crybaby Toby....*gulps* *sniffs*

Katsu- *sits on her knees while looking into the darkness*

Toby- *grips his hair* *continues crying softly*

Katsu- *whisper-yells* Toby?!

Toby- *sniffs* Huh?

Katsu- *normal voice* Toby?

Toby- *sits in the bathtub* *pulls knees to his chest*

Katsu- *stands up and walks toward where they were and doesn't see Toby* Toby?

Toby- *closes the shower curtain* *hides his face in his knees*

Katsu- *hears and walks toward the bathroom* Toby you here?

Toby- ......*sniffs*

Katsu- *pulls shower curtain*Toby?

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