1(Not lemon)

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Noah sprinted across the grass of his boyfriend's backyard. He ducked behind a bush, out of breath, as he assessed the situation at hand.

Cody, his all time favorite brunette, had seven water balloons in his grasp. This alone sounded like a death sentence as Noah hated water. The teen only had so long before he had to start running again. Damn, why did he insist on skipping gym!

"Oh Noah. Where are you my little genius?" A voice droned.

Crap, It's Cody.

Noah peeked out from his hiding spot to find the teal eyed teen with his back towards him. It was a hot summer day and both of them were dressed in shorts, and nothing else. Cody then turned his body toward said bush as Noah leaped back in fear, hoping to not be seen.

Oh, but he was seen. Seened? Sawed? IDFK!!

A evil smirk spread across Cody's face as he headed closer to the bush, being careful not to fall. Noah sat still, maybe he'd think he was dead? Or pummel him to the ground with inescapable comfort. 

"Looks like your toast, babydoll."


Suddenly, Cody took the water balloons and flattened them on his own head with a satisfying pop. What was replaced then was a fit a laughter from the paler boy. The know it all stood up to see his boyfriend writhing on the ground. 

"Well, that was a complete waste of my time." Noah said, rolling his eyes from annoyance but also relief.

Cody sat up with drenched hair and kissed Noah.

"That's for scaring me this morning at breakfast." The geek stated, his gap looking bigger than usual.


What had really scared Noah was babydoll. What was he a showdog?


So that's that. Not a lot of romance but it was quite fun to write. Give me suggestions

Noah x Cody OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now