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Noah picked at his breakfast mush in a single ceramic bowl. 

It was Chef's special, mushy Mondays, so the genius was stuck with white goo that could probably double as cement. He looked up to see all of his fellow campers, waiting in line for their own helping of goop.

Little did he know, that a certain teenager was about to jump off the cliff into the water.

Cody stood outside the dining hall, pacing back and forth, almost sure that he was making size seven scratches into the planks. In his shaking hands held a folded piece of paper titled "To Noah" on one side.

The geek had spent hours the previous night trying to come up with what to say to the prodigy and shortened it down to a few simple words.

Cody took a deep breath and walked to the entrance to the room. Poking his head through, he saw the daily commotion from all the contestants. 

Lindsay and Beth were mindlessly listening to Heather drone on about alliances while Duncan and Geoff tried to catapult their mush toward Harold from across the table.

His eyes scanned the room, a bell rang in his head once he spotted a particular dark haired teen.

Puffing up his chest with the note in hand, Cody strode towards Noah. Every step felt like a level of guilt well up inside his body, ready to burst.

It had only been nine days on the island of torture and he had already developed feelings for someone. Normally, this would not be that big of a deal for our Codykins, but this time was different.

This go-round, it was a guy.

Cody couldn't explain it if he tried, for he really didn't know the reason why the sarcastic teen made him so flustered. Maybe it was his snarky remarks or jokes that could make you laugh till it hurt. Or maybe it was that he was so damn pleasing to look at.

I would put all of the above if you ask me

The light brunette got so lost in his thoughts that he nicked himself on the corner of Noah's table.

The genius looked up from the sound to see a hurt Cody rubbing his knee. 

"Nice of you to crash the party." Noah said giving Cody one of his rare smiles. The blue-eyed boy was about to reply when his words seemed to get caught in his throat.

"I, uh, I-I mean hi! Um, so h-here you go, ok bye!" And with that Cody slammed the letter on the table and sprinted out the door.

Thank god Noah was sitting alone.

Outside the dining hall, Cody began to tear up. All he wanted to do was go back in there and take the note from Noah's grasp. This was such a stupid idea! Why did he ever think to do this?

Meanwhile, Noah stared at the piece of paper with a confused expression. He had no idea what just happened or where the fuck Cody had run off to.

He shrugged and began to unfold the letter. One, two, three times. 

Geez, Cody, it's a note, not a time capsule.

Once Noah got the paper back to its original orientation, he read the jumble of words in the center of the page.

Noah, I like you, a lot

And his phone number was scrawled underneath.

Cody sat in the dirt outside his cabin. He watched as Trent and Gwen were huddled together, playing guitar. He sighed as it felt like all the weight of the world was pushing the air out of his body. 

He could've been like that with Noah, all happy and in each other's arms. If he hadn't blown it and wrote that god-awful message. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

The geek was interrupted by his punishing thoughts when a hand rested on his shoulder. 

"So you leave me hanging to come and sit in the mud?" Noah's familiar voice rang in Cody's ears, giving him a slight panic attack.

"N-Noah I..." But he was cut off by a set of lips connecting to his own.Cody's pupils dilated as he tried to comprehend what was happening right now. He felt a cold chill as Noah pulled away and smirked.

"You seriously think I didn't know? I've seen you staring Cody, and boy do I like it." 

Cody flashed a wild grin and thought to himself...

Guess I got something to look forward to other than winning


Let's sing the this one was shit song! I literally did this in an hour because I forgot tomorrow is Saturday. Give me a break, I thought every day this week was Friday! Anyway, I normally stay away from cheesy stuff like this, but I feel like I had to write one to get it out of my system. I'm always taking suggestions and can write other stories of different pairings too. Ok, I'm gonna go watch TDWT now bye

Noah x Cody OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now