6(Almost Lemon)

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The door to a small, one-story, apartment swings open, showing our two favorite brunettes. Cody was perched on top of Noah's shoulders and while he didn't weigh much, had left the brainiac huffing and puffing.

The couple staggered in and with one last grunt, Noah had thrown Cody onto their pale green couch. Rolling around giggling, the geek smiled. "That was the more fun than the time we went to the petting zoo!"

Noah rolled his eyes, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "Yes, because carrying you home from our dinner date was such a barrel of laughs. Oh, and please don't bring up the petting zoo!"

"How was I suppose to know that too many pellets meant a shit deposit?" Cody chuckled. The cynic rolled his eyes for a second time and headed to their bedroom.

The teal eyed teen frowned and hoisted himself up on the arm of the couch, his sight never leaving Noah's body until it disappeared into the darkness of their hallway.

They had been dating for about 2 years but Cody still remained a virgin. He wasn't sure if he was quite ready for sex and besides, Noah was a pro both in the boys and girls department if you know what I mean.

"Hey, Noah?"

On cue, the sarcastic teen popped his head back into frame. "You called?"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to the petting zoo. Where do you think I am going?"

Cody looked over at the clock reading 11:37 pm and bit his lip, not wanting to go to sleep just yet. His orbs looked over at Noah who was now standing at the end of the hallway, hands on his hips.

The geek finally spoke. "Would it be ok if we did something?"

"Something like sleeping? Cause that sounds pretty good right now."

"No!" Cody nervously commented. He realized that he dug himself into a pretty deep hole and couldn't seem to find the "something" he was looking for. "How about.."

The teal eyed teen lit up when a thought sprung into his head."...hide and seek!"

Noah raised an eyebrow and moved his arms to across his chest. "What kind of hide and seek?"

This made Cody pull a confused face. There had only been one known type of the popular game to him. One person counts to 20 whilst covering their eyes, and then tries to find the other person. Easy as pie.(Are you happy now Alejandro??)

"I see you're confused." Noah monotoned while walking up to him. "For I know a different version of hide and seek, only it's called hide, seek, and strip."

Cody's face tinted red now realizing what Noah had meant. "U-um.." The geek stuttered, watching Noah's once annoyed expression turn into a smirk. The dark-eyed teen got nose to nose with Cody, almost sending him back onto their couch.

"It's fairly simple.." Noah whispered, sending hot air onto Cody's face. "If I can't find you in three minutes, I'll have to take off a piece of clothing. But if I find you sooner..."

Cody gulped, knowing his next words. His breaths became quick and shallow to contradict Noah's deep exhales.

"...you'll be a touch closer to naked."

Noah then whisked the white sleeve of his shirt back and set his watch to three minutes, just like he had said. The cynic resumed looking at the smaller boy, who was practically cowering in fear.

"You've got twenty seconds."

That was it

"Go!" Noah yelled, a small beep emitting from the watch.

And with that, Cody sprawled off the couch and sped out of the living room. He had no idea where the fuck he was going and quickly ducked into their bedroom. Standing and panting, the geek looked at his surroundings.

Ok, so under the bed? No, no, it's too high off the ground, Noah will surely see me! In the curtains? Yeah, great fucking idea Cody let's go hide in the see-through curtains!! Alright, what about the window seat??

It would have to do, hearing that Noah was on number 18. Cody rushed over to the window and hoisted up the compartment. It was dusty, but he had no choice. He needed to save his ass, literally.

Footsteps echoed down the hallway as Noah had ceased counting. Cody was crouched in darkness with no view, but only sound. The footsteps slowly faded and the teen assumed that Noah had gone into their bathroom.

The screech of a shower curtain was heard followed by a curse from the know it all. The footsteps resumed, only louder now as Noah entered the bedroom.

"Coooody..." Noah droned whilst peeking in the closet. "I know you're in here somewhere."

The geek tried not to panic and let out short breaths, now finding the air to be quite stale in his dark, compact hiding place. Shuffling around the room continued accompanied with humming from Noah.

Suddenly, a pitched beeping sound uttered from Noah's watch, signaling the three minutes to be over.

"Shit!" Noah whispered cutting off the alarms repeating sound. Cody sprung out of the window seat, a big gap-toothed grin covered his face.

"Ha! Looks like you're the one stripping!"

The tan boy only smirked and pulled off his red sweater vest. His dark hair bounced from the compression and hung back above Noah's shoulders. His blue button up and white shirt still remained, making it less of a strip and more of a temperature change.

Cody walked over to his boyfriend. "Can we play again Noah?" The light brunette asked flashing his intoxicating puppy dog eyes.

And so they played. Taking turns finding and hiding while peeling off clothing. At this point in time, both were shirtless and Cody was desperately searching for his sarcastic boyfriend. He had checked everywhere with no luck and the clock was ticking down.

Too late. The dreaded beeping sound arrived as the geek held his head in shame. Noah rustled out from the hamper, smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Looks like you have to take off your pants."

Let's just say, Cody wished he had sex way earlier.


I know I know, this was supposed to be a lemon but it's not. I got lazy and decided to leave it at this. I don't really care how I ended it I just did. Anyway thanks so much for all of the reads you guys are the best! Feel free to leave me any other shipping suggestions as I will do any!

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