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"Fuck this game!" Cody shouted and threw down his controller like the Hulk.

"I thought I told you, fucking games isn't good for your health." A snarky voice said next to him. 

Noah had been listening to his boyfriend play Cuphead and lose for the past hour. The sarcastic teen was reading on the couch, feet propped up on Cody's knees. 

The teal eyed boy knit his eyebrows and grunted, letting the whole world know that he was upset at his shit video game skills. 

Noah looked up from his book to see a very pouty Cody and let out a sigh. "Babe, you shouldn't get so worked up over a game. I mean, it's not like they could give you any real pleasure, unlike something else.."

Cody's eyes went wide and turned his head to see Noah with a smirk spread on his face. The geek had been avoiding this talk for months now. How could he? Cody had never had sex before and with a pro like Noah, there's no telling what could happen.

Like a death sentence, Noah closed his book and placed it on the small coffee table near the couch. He crawled over to a cowering Cody and sat down.

"N-Noah.." Cody stammered, only to be picked up by the prodigy and placed on his lap. "I-I don't know if I want to do this." 

Noah ran his fingers down Cody's legs, tickling him. "Are you sure?"

Well, he wasn't that sure.  Cody had always loved Noah, just the thought of him made the boy squirm with delight. He also trusted the genius and knew that Noah would be with him every step of the way. So, what the hell?

Cody took a deep breath and looked into Noah's dark eyes. "Ok, I'm ready."

Noah grabbed Cody's head and smashed their lips together. Sure they had kissed before, but never like this. It took control of him, forgetting who he was. Cody's hands somehow found Noah's shirt and peeled off the first layer.

The prodigy returned the favor and began to slide Cody's shirt from his body. Now Cody sat their, shirtless. He had always been pale, not to mention skinny, but for some reason, Noah wouldn't stop looking at him.

"S-stop!" Cody defended, trying to cover up every inch of his chest. "You're making me nervous!"

Noah smiled and pulled Cody close to him, hands running down the geek's back. "Why Cody? Are you afraid I might.." He paused and licked one of Cody's nipples. The teal eyed boy hung his mouth open and crunched his toes. "..pleasure you?"

Cody's heart started to flutter and felt a weird sensation go to his lower area. Noah's voice was so soothing and made the lighter brunette hot and flustered. Suddenly, the sarcastic teen unbuttoned his jeans, along with his boxers, and glided them down Cody's body.

Now he sat on Noah's lap and felt as naked as he looked. Noah licked his lips hungrily and bent down to Cody's mini wonder.

Mini wonder? What the fuck am I doing with my life?

Cody let out a pleasured wail as tongue met dick. He swirled it around like a cotton candy machine and every now and then he kissed the tip.

 "NOAH! I..LOVE..YOU..SO..FUCKING..MUCH!!!" Cody practically screamed as his eyes rolled back into his head. Noah's mouth was way better than his own hand. 

"Easy tiger!" Noah mumbled. "I'm already here, no need to send out a mating call."

The genius then took all of Cody in his mouth and bobbed up and down, over and over again. Cody was practically in heaven as he ran his fingers through the tanned skinned boy's hair.

"NOAH I'M GONNA.." But before he could finish, a load of hot seed went into Noah's mouth and was gone in a single gulp. Sweat seemed to coat all of Cody's body, but the brown-eyed teen wasn't even close to done.

Noah lifted Cody a few inches off of his lap and slowly stuck his finger in Cody's ass. Tears began to form in the geek's eyes and Noah had to kiss all over his face to calm him down. It hurt so bad! Why, why, why did taking your virginity have to result in so much pain?

Once Cody was ready, Noah added a second finger and began to scissor through to find Cody's prostate. It felt weird like his insides were trying to become his outsides. Noah knew he had found the bundle of nerves when Cody melted and let out the loudest moan of the night.

Memorizing where it was, Noah pounded Cody's prostate again and again. Cody, on the other hand, was practically bouncing on top of him. To make matters even better, Noah resumed blow jobbing Cody's penis, matching the rhythm with his ass.

The smaller boy finally exploded into his second orgasm of the night and flopped down onto Noah's chest. He panted, trying to regain his strength. 

"That was incredible!" Cody said, clutching Noah like a stuffed animal. 

"You think so?" The prodigy said, hands behind his head. "We didn't even get to the fun part."

Cody giggled and said with a sigh. "I love you."

Before Noah could reply, Cody fell asleep, and could barely walk the next morning.


Man, I'm really bad at these! Well, it's good practice anyway! Next one will probably be a fluff since I have a shit ton to do next week. Anyway tell me what you think and I'll see you around.

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