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Slam! Cody was flattened against the wall by the inch or so taller male. The look on the boy's face was pure anger and was tighter than a fourth grader's shoelace. Cody swallowed what seemed like his insides as he reminisced about exactly how this had happened.

He was cleaning up his side of the cabin, not particularly one who liked mess when he stumbled upon a hard, leather book. The book was small, easy to fit in a pocket, and had no writing on the cover. The geek also noticed a bookmark, shyly sticking out the top, calling him to open it.

Cody looked around the cabin, noticing he was alone with the book. He began to turn past the cover, only to drop it at first glance... 

Noah's face was extremely close to Cody's, a single intake of breath could swallow the lighter brunette whole. The genius then spoke, hinting at anger and frustration.

"I can't believe you read my god damn book, Cody Anderson! It's not some red button to be pushed!" 

"H-how was I su-suppose to know it was a..." The geek swallowed at the last words. "S-sex ed book?"

Cody's body felt lifeless, no wait, he wished he was lifeless rather than be in a situation like this. 

Noah stared at him longer or better yet was looking him up and down. Cody relaxed his already condensed muscles.

The genius then looked him straight in the eyes, voice still tense. "As punishment..." 

"Punishment?" Cody blurted out, a disbelieving look on his face. What on earth did he do wrong? It was Noah's fault, after all, leaving a book in plain sight is just asking to be read. The prodigy shushed him.

"Relax, I'm not gonna kill you."


Noah smirked. "I'll just show you what I learned." Cody's face froze at that. Sure he had already liked Noah but isn't this going a little fast and I don't know, intense??

And with that, the sarcastic teen kissed him. It was a rough gesture, but passionate, drawing Cody in and never wanting to get out. The geek moaned as he wrapped his arms around Noah's neck.

Noah made a space between their lips, which earned a whimper from Cody, but soon a loud gasp as Noah kissed and bit the notch connecting Cody's jaw to his neck.

The teal eyed boy then buried his hands in Noah's long, dark hair. The prodigy left little marks as he went along Cody's bone, almost like connect the dots. Noah moved down lower to the smaller teen's shirt. Having to bunch up the fabric a little, Noah ran his fingers over both Cody's nipples.

A long, cold shiver ran down Cody's spine as he let out a short, loud moan. The know it all noticed this and grinned.

"Do you like that Cody?" The pleasured teen couldn't reply as he was being taken to dreamy cloud oh my goodness just fuck me town. Population, Noah.

"Ah-ah! Oh god, Noah!" he cried, already feeling the tent in his pants get taller and taller. Noah took a sight of it.

"Ah, hold on now my little boy, let me take off the pants first." Noah whispered. Cody mumbled something incoherent as the genius slipped Cody's jeans down his thin, pale legs. 

Just gonna throw out that I imagined them doing this in the dodgeball court, which is weird cause it has clear walls. Ha! No pun intended! Get it? Throw out! HAHA!!! OK back to the story.

Noah had to bite his own bottom lip to keep from smiling. Cody was wearing emu covered boxers! 

"Nice fashion choice." Noah monotoned, only to realize Cody's depressed and embarrassed face. The sarcastic teen tenderly kissed the other one's forehead. "As much as it pains me to say, I do think they are cute." 

Cody smiled a little, which turned into a loud moan as Noah felt him through his boxers. It was a sensation that couldn't be described and made him want to froth at the mouth. Noah finally lowered the underwear and gazed as Cody's seven inches was displayed in front of him.

"U-uh y-yeah I'm kind of.." Cody stammered only to be interrupted by Noah's mouth. He had read that hand pumping was kind of a waste of time, since guys can do that already, so getting right in there with your tongue works better.

"NOAH AAH!" Cody shrieked almost as if he was being tortured. Noah paid no attention as he licked all around Cody's dick, sucking it like a tootsie pop. "FUCK NOAH I'M GONNA CUM RIGHT NOW!"

Noah stopped and looked into his eyes. "Then do it." He ordered. Cody let out one final moan as he came all in Noah's mouth. The genius licked it up getting every last drop of seed until Cody was clean.

The teal eyed boy gasped for breath. "What? That's it?"

"I'll tell you when I get to that chapter." Noah smirked

"Can't wait!"


This was a bitch to write as I was very conflicted with my storylines and word choice....

Naw I was just fucking lazy. I didn't want to make it too fluffy cause lemons like that annoy me. Lol, that rhymes! Anyway tell me what to do better and I'll try my best

Noah x Cody OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now