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Night crept into the windows of Playa de Losers, casting the moon's shadows amongst every wall, corridor, and piece of furniture. It was quiet, except for the sounds of light snoring and the occasional stir of a creaking bed. 

The resort held a total of 20 camper bedrooms, set up in one large hallway, with girls on one side and boys on the other. In each room, there was a door connecting one's chamber to another in case of an emergency. 

Currently, the remaining 6 contestants on the island were hunkered into their beds, dreading what torture Chris will put them through the next morning.

Fortunately, Noah was not one of them.

The teen had been lying awake for about two hours, competing with his whole body. He had tossed and turned, flipped over and rolled back gotten water and paced around his bedroom, but he just could not fall asleep.

Noah knew the exact things that kept him awake.

If he had just read 4 books in a row, his mind will no longer want to sleep and become a knowledge vacuum.

If he was not looking forward to something the next day and just wanted to wake up on Groundhog Day.

Or, there was something stressful on his mind.

The sarcastic teen let out a silent sigh and stared at his alarm clock. 1:34 am flashed in bright red text boxes. Noah then sat up, displeased at what he was about to do, and whisked the covers off of himself. 

His bare feet squished into the carpet as he softly stomped into the bathroom. When the brunette arrived, he opened up the glass mirror compartment and pulled out a small bottle of painkillers. 

Noah unscrewed the lid and shook four of the pills into his outstretched hand. He took a small cup and filled it with water, not being one to take them dry. The know it all paused and looked at himself in the mirror, questioning his next actions. He finally mumbled to himself.

"This is so fucking wrong." 

Then four ovals disappeared down Noah's throat followed by a wave of water to accompany them. The genius felt weary and saw his eyelids start to droop.

The rest was a blur.

A faint sound woke Noah with a start. His eyes were heavy and had slowly blinked open. Shaking the sleep from his body, the sarcastic teen looked around and froze.

He was standing upright first of all, with his black sweatpants hung loosely on the floor and his boxers down at about the boy's ankles. Noah was also not in his room due to the sudden switch from blue to green. But the last thing he noticed scared the shit out of him.

About 5 feet away was a sleeping figure. The covers rose up and down in rhythm of their breaths and a wave of heat could be felt from Noah's position. This was a room he had been in before, almost every night in fact, and was the reason why the genius was rock hard down south.

Every time that Noah took sleeping pills, he would sleepwalk to who knows where, and he guessed tonight was none other than Cody's room. 

Noah silently smacked himself. Why, why, why, did he have to end up here? In his crushes bedroom, while half-naked, and totally turned on.

The prodigy suddenly crept over to a sleeping Cody and peered at the boy. He was dozing on his right side, arms outstretched, and a little shine of drool hanging from his mouth. The geek's bangs would flutter out of his eyes every time he exhaled the air around him. Noah smiled.

He's so hot

Noah! What the hell are you saying?

But you want to fuck him, don't you?

But he's sleeping!!!

Even kinkier

The know it all gave in and began to clamber onto the bed, being careful not to wake Cody. He slipped under the covers, still straddling the slumbering boy, and began to pull Cody's pants down. 

Cock exposed, Noah began to lick the shaft up and down. He curled his tongue around and pumped. Cody, on the other hand, started to giggle and became slightly hard from the sensation. 

The genius couldn't help but smile and suddenly wrapped his lips around Cody's tip. The giggling was soon replaced by a moan, making Noah harder than he already was. Bobbing his head, Noah soon forgot that the light brunette was asleep. 

The bed creaked. A very startled Cody shot up from the covers, petrified. Noah felt cold air hit his face directly as the geek had lifted the blankets off of himself. 

There was a moment of silence, not like the ones in school where everyone talks anyway, but true, dead, quiet. After a good while, it was Noah who spoke first.

"Cody, I-I can explain!"

The geek still said nothing only staring into dark brown eyes. Their orbs met for just a moment. He then grabbed Noah by the cheeks and smashed their lips together. The sarcastic teen was surprised but soon kissed back. Cody separated them and started to cry.

"I missed you so much!" He bawled. "And I didn't vote you off I swear! And I haven't seen you since I was in the infirmary! And and and..."

"Cody" Noah shushed, cradling the boy in his arms. "I believe you." 

The light brunette whimpered and buried his face into Noah's chest. They stayed there, holding each other, minutes of bliss passing by.

"Noah?" Cody asked, now looking up into his eyes.

"You called?" 

The geek bit his lower lip. "Can you fuck me now?"

Noah laughed, which he probably shouldn't have, and placed Cody back down onto the bed. Nose to nose, the boys resumed their kiss. It was different this time though, it was gentle and sweet. This lasted until Noah got impatient.

Stripping themselves faster than scared DJ, the genius positioned himself for entry. He looked at Cody for the go-ahead, which the teal eyed boy obliged by a quick nod. 

Slower now, Noah pushed all eight inches into Cody. His face scrunched up in pain, Cody let out a wail. Noah calmed him by squeezing his ass and whispering 'I love you' into the geek's ear over and over.

"Damn it, Cody! you're so tight!" Noah strained, almost unable to pull out.

Cody snapped back. "You've got your whole dick shoved up my ass how else am I suppose to relax?"

Howls turned into moans as the bundle of nerves was found. Having the ability to do so, Noah pulled himself out of Cody, only to force himself back in.

His motions got faster with every thrust as Cody squealed every time. Then, something warm bubbled inside the geek's body.

"Oh fuck, Noah! I'm gonna cum!"

The darker brunette increased his pace. "Do it, baby! Cum for me!"

One final thrust sent Cody over the edge as sperm shot everywhere. Noah soon reached his climax and held his orgasm for as long as possible.

They both then flopped onto the bed, sweaty, panting, and so full of love.

Cody wrapped his arms around Noah's waist. "Hey, Noah?"

"Yes, Codemiester?"

"You might have to carry me tomorrow."


Ok now looke before you get mad at me, I can explain!!!
1. I had midterms and had to study a shit load for them

2. It was my birthday the next weekend so I couldn't post then

I only had this week to sit down and write but this is my longest one yet!!

Anyway, sorry that the ending is a bit shit but I was really tired of writing this story. By the way, thank you for all the reads!! I didn't know so many people cared about two made up cartoon characters fucking each other! Well that's all for now, BYE!!!!!!

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