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Welp. Look what I got myself into. This is just gonna be some cute fluffy shit. Enjoy! (Attempted rape)
3rd person (jimin focus)
Jimin had to carry Tae through the whole club, almost dropping him five times. "Aw shit!" He mumbled "Watch where you're going fuckers!" He yelled the last part clearly so everyone could hear his remark. Almost ten people flipped him off.

He lifted Taehyung's head off his shoulder. "Tae. I have to go to the bathroom Tae" his only reaction was nodding and clinging tighter. Jimin tightened his grip on Tae's legs, and speed walked to the bathrooms. "I have to put you down Tae." Jimin whispered setting Tae down in the hallway near bathroom.

Jimin left to one of the stalls, thinking everything would be fine since he and Tae were the only ones in the bathroom.

3rd person (Taehyung focus)

Taehyung sat on the cold hard floor. He heard the door creek open and saw an unframiliar face step in. "Awe." He began "what's a little boy like you doing sitting here?" He reaced out to Tae and he flinched back, smaking his hand. "Excuse me?!" He yelled harshly grabbing Tae's face. His eyes widen as tears start to stream down his face. "Oh boy. We're gonna have fun now. Your punishment will be even worse now." Tae was letting out choked out sobs as the stranger connected their lips. He would let out whines of pain and helplessness every now and then. At that time he realized he needed Jimin.

The stranger separated their lips to gasp for air. Taehyung took this time to yell for help. "JIMIN!!" he suddenly heard fast footsteps coming towards him. The stranger looked with wide eyes and froze. Tired and out of breath, Jimin came from behind the corner. "Yoongi." He gasped out of breath.

"I-Im sorry J-jiminie" he looked down, and turned a deep shade of red. "NO. SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT YOU LITTLE CUNT!" Yoongi sighed and ran back to his place in the club. As Taehyung sat on the floor sobbing, Jimin kneeled down next to him. "It's okay Tae. He'll never do it again" Tae nodded and didnt hesitate to jump into the safeness of Jimin's arms. "T-thank you J-jiminie." Taehyung choked out in between sobs "No problem Tae. Lets go home" Tae nodded as Jimin carried him out of the door once again.
~Magical Time Skip~

3rd person (jimin focus)

Jimin steps out of his car and walks to the other side, to get Taehyung out of the car. He ripped the door open, and grabbed Taehyung gently. He closes the door with his foot, trying not to wake Taehyung up in the process. He groaned slightly and burried his face in Jimin's neck.

Jimin sighed and slowly walked up to his front stairs. "Oh my god" he mumbled, boosting Taehyung onto his hip and slowly walking up the stairs to his front door. He shoved his hand into his back pocket, dragging out the keys to his front door. He sighs and whips the door open. "Damn" he whispers "you're fucking heavy Tae."

He was regreting not just waking Taehyung up. But he just looked so angelic and peaceful sleeping. He couldn't do it. So he groaned and made his way upstairs and to his bedroom. Thry finally made it upstairs and Jimin kcked the door closed, and dropped Taehyung onto the bed.

Jimin flopped face first onto the bed. "Holy fuck" Jimin said to Taehyung as his eyes open. "You're lucky you're hot, Tae." Tae smiles at the sudden words and pecks Jimin's cheeck. "Ya know I think I recognize you Jiminie" he said quietly as they both fell fast asleep in each other's arms.

~ Friends Forever ~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora