~Internet Star~

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Hai. I don't really know how to start this off so... Here we go!!
3rd person

                 Taehyung wakes up in an unfamiliar environment. He rubs his eyes and tries to sit up. But the weird thing is that he can't move. He struggles and and eventually flips around, seeing a quite farmiliar face laying next to him. Although he remember nothing from the previous night, he knew this face very well. "Jimin" he gasped. His grip was to tight for Taehyung to escape. He then gave up and poked at Jimin's forhead.

            "Get up Jimin." Taehyung whispers sweetly to his hyung. Jimin opened his eyes expectantly.  A smile instantly spread across his face.
              "W-what.. why am I here?" Taehyung asked flustered. Jimin smirked, knowing what the younger was thinking. Jimin knew how pure Taehyung looked so he told the complete truth. "I found you sleeping drunk at a bar, and you were hot, so I took you home with me." Jimin shrugged.

                  Taehyung was still very shocked at who was sitting next to him. He was in Jimin's bed! Park fucking Jimin! "Aw. Are you flustered?" Jimin asked inching closer. Taehyung pushed Jimin away with one finger and lifts his face to face Jimin and look him in the eyes. "Aren't you that internet star?" Taehyung asked quietly. Jimin looked at him with wide eyes and nodded slowly. " Y-you know me?" He started "well, heh, actually a lot of people know me. They usually just look me up and down and smirk. They don't agnolage my existence." He looks down getting red. "I-I've just watched you for a really long time and I like your work and I'm a little surprised that I'm in your bedroom." He looked around and let out a deep sigh.
             "Jimin" he hummed in response "where's your bathroom." "What?" He turned to face Taehyung. "The bathroom dude. Where is it. I kinda have to pee." "Oh. Heh yea." He points down the hall to a small door. Taehyung hums and stands up to use the bathroom.
Taetae: dude
Hoesuck: dude what. I was sleeping. It's literally 5 am.
Taetae: so ya know that guy Jimin I watch?
Hoesuck: you mean the porn star?
Taetae: uh yea. Anyways I actually went to the bar with Namjoon yesterday and he kinda left me alone and drunk at the bar and the Park Jimin that I was talking about picked me up and I kind of woke up in his bed with him next to him.
Hoesuck: oh my. Jesus. CaN i PiCk YoU uP?! I wanna see who u r always talking about!
Taetae: Fine. But no being weird. Oh and he called me hot!! The Park Jimin called me hot!

            *Knock knock* Taehyung jumped from the sudden noise. "You almost done in there babe?" Taehyung choked out a small yea before opening the door. Revealing a sweaty and tired looking Jimin. "Uh. Whats w-wrong? You look, uh, out of breath." He gave a sly smirk."I'm so tired baby." Taehyung stared at him with wide eyes. "May I ask w-why?" Taehyung asks innocently. "Well, I was just thinking about you baby." Jimin cooed at the surprised younger. He laughed, planting a short kiss on the other's lips.

              "Oh, and Jimin" Taehyung started with Jimin humming in response "my friend Hoseok is coming to pick me up." Jimin nodded.

              Their moment was suddenly interupted by a loud knock coming from Jimin's door. Jimin sighed and got up to answer the door. And as Hoseok leaned in to knock again, Jimin swung the door open. "Oh shit" Hoseok mumbled as he stumbled in the house. Not realizing that he had tripped into Jimin's grip. "Wow. Nice to meet you too" Jimin said with a sly smile. Hoseok turned a dark shade of red. "Oh yea. Sorry."
                Jimin lifted Hoseok's head slightly, so he could look at Jimin. "You must be Hoseok." He slightly nodded. Damn. Now I know why Tae watches his videos! "D-do you k-know where T-Taehyung is?" Hoseok asks, turning a light pink and giving a sweet smile."damn. You're a god when you're flustered." Jimin whispers to Hoseok as he points down the hallway.

             As Hoseok knocks on the door, he hears shuffling and then the door swings open. Revealing a slightly sweaty Taehyung. A huge and very notible smile spread across his face. "Wait. Why are you sweating?" Hoseok asked in concern for the younger. "Well some stuff may have happened between us." Taehyung shrugged.

               As Taehyung sat there explaining what had happened between the two, Hoseok felt the tears come to his eyes. He would never let them fall. He wouldn't dare. He has known how he felt for a long time now. But the clueless Taehyung still had no idea.

              "That may have been too much information for me." Hoseok said sitting across from Taehyung. They were currently sitting on Jimin's bed, while he talked to his friend Jin about how he feels about Taehyung. "Is he seriously that porn star?" Hoseok asked in awe. Taehyung just nodded at Hoseok's shock. "So you really just did it with a famous porn star."

~ Friends Forever ~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora