~ Hacked ~

17 0 0

Welp, Ive got nothing so enjoy! (Self harm)
3rd person

               "Can you track the history on it?" Taehyung asked. The only thing he wanted at that moment was Hoseok. Nothing. Not even to be Jimin's, and that's what he has wanted for a life time. Now he only thought of him as a sex partner. If he ever got Hoseok to himself, he wouldn't even think of him as a sex partrner. Just a close friend. Jungkook nodded at Taehyung and started typing away on his keyboard.

             As Taehyung waited for Jungkook, he looked around thinking that this was the park that he and Hoseok first met in. They were just small beans at that point. They ran into each other, both falling backwards. Hoseok helped Taehyung up and said a quiet sorry and asked if he wanted to join him. But about two days later Taehyung's parents died, and he was left alone. Hoseok offered his house and Taehyung gladly excepted. They were best friends ever since.

            "TAEHYUNG!" He was snapped out of his thoughts by a worried Jungkook. "Sorry. Did you get anything?" Taehyung asked expectantly. Jungkook nodded slowly. "You're gonna snap." He mumbled to Taehyung. He slowly turned the phone to face Taehyung. "Huh? I dont understand these codes jerk." He said, pushing Jungkook's shoulder. "Look at the bottom dumbass." Taehyung's eyes darted to the bottom of the page. "That motherfucking bitch!!" He yelled, earning many looks from the people around them. "Why dont we go back to your house?" Jungkook says calmly to a red Taehyung.

           He doesn't have time to respond because they are already at Taehyung's house. "Lets sit down Tae." Jungkook pushes Taehyung to his couch and forces him sit down. "What the hell kook?" He whispered. "I thought he wanted me." He rose his voice. "Why would he blackmail Hoseok like that?" His voice cracking at the end of his sentence. "Sometimes good people do bad things for people they want." Jungkook cooed at the older. "The real question is if he wants me or Hoseok." Taehyung's words were barely audible but Jungkook heard them perfectly.

              It was quiet for quite some time... " I have to see Hoseok." Taehyung said grabbing his phone and bursting out of the door. Jungkook just nodded, even though he knew the older was  long gone.

           As Taehyung walked, tears streamed down his face. He didn't feel effected at all by his salty tears anymore. He just wanted to go to Hoseok and stay with him in his arms forever. He never focused on where he was going. He just walked. And walked. And walked. Then he was there. On Hoseok's front porch. Ready to knock. Then it happened. He listed his fist to the door and knocked. Only twice. But it was loud enough to hear.

             "HOSEOK!" He yelled. No answer. "OPEN THIS DOOR HOSEOK!" Still nothing. He remembered that the spare key was under the welcome mat. He grabbed the key and shoved it into the key hole. He slammed the door open and heard a loud groan come from the upstairs bathroom. "Shit" he whispered as he walked up the stairs and to the bathroom at the back of the hall. "For fucks sake!" He screamed kicking the door in. Only to reveal a tired and bloody Hoseok sitting on the floor. Taehyung gasped as he felt a single tear run down his cheek. Hoseok groaned again and Taehyung rushed over to him, grabbing the first towel he spotted. He wrapped it around Hoseoks bloody wrists and picked him up. Once they got to Hoseok's room, Taehyung plopped down on Hoseok's bed, with Hoseok still in his arms. "Put. Me. Down." He heard the familiar face whisper into Taehyung's ear. He quickly detached from Hoseok and he stood up just to sit back down. "Oh my god! You're okay." Taehyung said as more tears fell to the floor.

           "Why do you care if im alright?" Hoseok asked angrily, looking Taehyung directly in the eyes. "I-I have to tell you something Hoseok-ah" Taehyung choked out. Hoseok nodded slightly still staring Taehyung down. "The person that texted you wasn't me." Hoseok softened his look and held a confused expression. "W-what?" He took out his phone and scrolled to what Jungkook had found earlier that day. He held his phone out yo Hoseok's face. "You know I can't understand this shit." Hoseok says, Taehyung replying with a slight laugh. "That's the exact thing I said." Taehyung mumbled "but you have to look at the very end of the page " Hoseok rolled his eyes annoyed and looked down at the end of the page. "J-Jimin?!" He yelled.

             "That fucker better get ready to explain." Hoseok says as he stands up and grabs non bloody clothes from his closet. He slips on something random and slips his shoes on with it.

           Taehyung could feel his pants tighten slightly as he looked Hoseok up and down

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           Taehyung could feel his pants tighten slightly as he looked Hoseok up and down. "Wow. Mature." Hoseok scuffs at the bulge in Taehyung's pants. "Lets just go kick this boys ass." He swings around and pulled Taehyung with him.

             Hoseok knocked on Jimin's door the very second they stepped onto his small porch. "COMING!" they heard Jimin yell. This was followed by Jimin swinging the door open harshly. The angel Jimin was standing at he could only see Hoseok so he had no clue that Taehyung was behind the door. "Well hello" Jimin said licking his lips while staring Hoseok up and down. "Oh calm your man tits Park." Jimin then saw Taehyung walk out from behind the open door. "B-baby" he said shakily. "Oh cut the act, slut. We know you hacked into Taehyung's phone so you could get me running to you. Just so you can hear me moan your name!" Jimin chocked on air as Hoseok pushed him back. Hoseok then gladly letting himself in. "You peice of shit" Jimin said to Taehyung. "You were suppose to not notice!" He raised his voice as he smacked Taehyung across his face.

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