Chapter 4

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(Uh this chapter is just me having fun and doing random things, you can probably skip this without missing TOO much XD There is a new OC so that's all that you might miss. SO NO COMPLAINING I WARNED YOU)

Your POV

"Heh heh, well you see me, Hoodie and Masky were all best friends when we were little. At one point they started acting weird and talking about someone named Slenderman." I started as everyone gathered around.

"One day they disappeared leaving me alone since I was a very weird kid. I was alone for quite some time until one day let's just say an accident happened and I was sent to heaven. At first it was actually really fun flying around doing whatever but then it got boring.

One day I decided to have some 'fun' which caused heaven to be demolished sending me down here which I met Toby." I said pointing at the brunette. He ticked happily hugging me. "We became friends which I later found out that he was one of Slender's proxies.

I never really interacted with him since I kinda blamed him for the missing of my friends so I never really met Masky and Hoodie. Slender saw how good I was and tried recruiting me. Many times." I said looking at a slightly guilty Slender.

"You guys should know about the whole wing being broken and stuff and now I'm here." I finished looking at the pastas. "Do you wanna play some video games?" BEN asked. I just chuckled as I agreed to it.

Everyone looked at the proxies weirdly but then continued on to their normal routines. "Hey (Y/N) will you ever tell us what happened in heaven?" BEN asked trying to kick my butt. "Not likely whenever I try to visit they start firing arrows at me. Even when I get too close they start attacking me." I said smashing the buttons to the point it almost broke.

A couple of seconds later I smashed the A button too hard as the controller broke in half. "...." I looked at it as if my life just shattered. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" I yelled but then the stupid controller sent a shock through me sending me across the room.

"FUCK!" I yelled rubbing my head. "(Y-Y-Y/N)! Are y-you okay?" Toby asked. "Just peachy." I sarcastically replied. I got up and started stretching, as I tried to walk back to the TV I suddenly walked all the way to town. 'WTF?' I thought looking around and quickly tucking in my wings to raise less suspicion.

"Hey wait up." Said an emotionless voice. I looked behind me to find Vivian jogging up to me. "You were almost the same speed as me." She muttered picking me up and jogging back. "EH? Why are you carrying me?" I asked.

"You just had Creepypasta electricity go through you, one thing that happens is WAY too fast speed. First time it happened to me I ran across the Earth in about 2 seconds." She muttered at the mansion and letting me down.

"Imagine your walking in slow motion it will make your speed the same as jogging hopefully." She said watching me. I gave her a confused look as I tried walking as slow as I could as electricity coursed through me.

"If the electricity is so powerful how come they don't use it as often?" I asked. "No one can really control it, I can but I'm already fast enough." She replied simply.

Toby's POV

What just happened? I looked at the door and I saw an outline of (Y/N) through the door, the cold fall wind blowing in. "I'll go get her." Vivian said jogging after her already gone. "Uh, what just happened?" Jeff asked looking at the broken controller.

"Unplug the controller!" EJ said walking in. "I figured you guys would know about the electricity that we get by now." EJ said unplugging the broken controller. "Hmm? W-W-Who gives us e-electricity?" I asked.

"Really you don't know?" EJ asked. "Well all of our electricity/water comes from a friend of ours." He says. "Her name is Sarah, she never said her last name though. She's a dragon tamer, she hasn't visited in a very long time though." EJ said going through his phone and showing us a picture.

" EJ said going through his phone and showing us a picture

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"She's hot." Jeff muttered.

"Her dragons provide a lot of things, since this mansion can't exactly get electricity and water that easily." He continued ignoring Jeff's comment. "She might be visiting us soon though, we're friends and she told me she's coming soon with us, she lives very far away so it's hard for her to visit." He said closing his phone.

"Does she like video games?" BEN asked. "I'm not sure actually." He said thinking about it. Before anyone else could continue (Y/N) walked in looking kind of nervous. "Hey guys." Vivian said jumping on the couch.

"What did I miss?" She asked. "This g-girl named S-Sarah might be v-visiting us." I ticked. Hearing this Vivian almost fell off of the couch. "Wait like Sarah the dragon tamer?" She said her eyes actually widened.

"Yeah, do you know her?" EJ asked. "Well you see I helped save the world with her. Weird wizard guy controlled her friends and my 'friend' Philip helped me." She said. "Hey who's this Philip person?" EJ asked clearly jealous.

"Bro stop worrying, he's a dragon, probably the size of this mansion." She said holding up her hands hugging EJ from behind, hearing this he calmed down as he walked back to their room.

"W-Well that w-was interesting." I said sitting up, as (Y/N) lays on my lap. I started blushing but she didn't seem to notice this as she fell asleep. Jeff and BEN wolf whistled as I covered my face seeing the sun setting.

Everybody laughed even Hoodie chuckled a bit as they went to their rooms. I didn't want to disturb her so I just tried getting more comfortable, wrapping my arms around her and falling asleep with a slight pink tint on my face.  

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