sports headcanons

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Race: 100% plays soccer
-like he can travel down the field like a cheetah and his aim is impeccable
-his poker face also throws the goalie off a lot because his eyes will look one way as if he's aiming for that spot, but then shoot and score diagonal of the spot

Crutchie: can't really play many sports, but (even though he can barely manage his own life) he's the baseball team's manager
-the team would literally die with out him because he just does so much
-like he reminds them when practice is, to take care of themselves first before they think about the next game, and he helps them study when they have big tests coming up
-also the coach thinks he's a god but Crutchie basically is

Jack: is on the baseball team with Crutchie technically (cliché but I love imagining this)
-pretty good at pitching, okay at batting, but an amazing shortstop

Katherine: plays both volleyball and tennis and literally kills in both of them
-she pretty much just hates the world and takes her anger out in the sport
-everyone knows that when neither season is in session, to not anger her too much

Sarah: plays basketball
-she signed with a college like her sophomore year and it's just crazy how good she is
-she also coached Les' basketball team and when she first introduced herself, all his teammates laughed and were being ignorant little brats
-they quickly learned what feminism was and every time the other team jokes about it being an easy win because their coach was a girl, the game turns into a mercy rule (when one team is winning and there's literally no chance of the other team catching up so the game ends early), Les' team winning

Davey: is pretty uncoordinated on land, but he can swim like a fish
-as he got older and more serious in his sport, he studied up on the physics of swimming so he knew how to cause the least amount of friction between his body and the water
-also he knows exactly when and how to take the most optimal breath
-he has like three school records and one state record, but speaks of it as if it were no big deal

Spot: is the (american) football buff
-when he tackles you, it literally feels like a wall hit you
-has been removed due to "aggressive behavior" for probably a record amount of times
-people think he takes steroids (he doesn't his small body just pents up so much anger and he workouts all the time)

Mush: plays ice hockey
kid blink: plays field hockey
-both think their type is better and people wouldn't be surprised if they start World War III

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