[ 11 ]

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millie wasn't in the mood for anything today. she was feeling quite moody and mean.

she reached math class and sat at her seat. she remembered her conversation with 'robbie', so she read whatever he replied on her desk.

will you be my cat valentine then?

she was shocked and her cheeks begin turning into a light shade of red. she was now a blushing mess.

woah there robbie. we haven't even met yet, heck we don't even know each others names AHAHAH and you're getting all flirty with me? you don't know i may be some weird girl/guy ;)

math now ended and now she was out and went to sadie's classroom to pick her up for their next class. she was smiling the whole way there.

millie reached sadie's class and sadie noticed her being all happy. "anything you want to tell me?" sadie asked. "hm?" millie asked back. "you're all smiley and happy. what's up?" sadie said. millie continued smiling "oh um fine...".

millie told sadie all about her 'chatting' with someone through her desk. "millie!! why didnt you tell me this sooner? we have to look for him!!" sadie exclaimed. "well he only told me that he is tall and he has "irresistible curly hair"" millie said while air quoting the last two words she said.

"well then we use that information and start searching on mon—" millie butted in and cut her off  "i dont know sadie wouldn't that be weir—" now sadie cut millie off and said "nope no i dont knows, ifs, ands or buts,  come on millie dont you want to know who he is?". millie finally gave in and sighed.

the desk; fillieWhere stories live. Discover now