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four weeks later;

"sadie hurry up we'll be late for prom!!" millie says. "hold on!" sadie says putting her make-up on. "you know you dont have to put much make-up on? i mean even caleb says that all the time" millie says wearing her shoes.
"i know but its prom night mills! we have to look gorgeous". they decided not to let the boys pick them up so that they could wow them with their looks. millie thinks it was unnecessary but then she agreed.

millie and sadie arrive school and reach the gym. everyone look at them in awe and with sparkling eyes. they smirk since their plan worked. "hey sades!" caleb says walking towards the two "well hello to you too caleb" millie mumbles. "oh hey millie!" caleb waves at her. "i think someone is looking for you over there" caleb says pointing at the buffet table. "ok, bye guys see you later!" millie walks off to the buffet table.

as millie was walking towards the buffet, a boy with a face filled with freckles watched her. he analyzes her beauty. she is wearing a beautiful white knee length dress that had a tube top, it was also a bit puffy at the bottom. her hair is in two french braids. he was in awe. his jaw was about to fall to the ground but then we noticed that she was coming very close already.

"hey finner, heard you were looking for me?" millie asks the boy. finn begins to smirk "yeah, i mean you are my date tonight aren't you?". millie blushes and drags finn to the dance floor.

they danced like crazy and drank punch a few times. they stayed with sadie and caleb for a while and had small talk. "mills you really look beautiful" sadie says admiring her best friend, "hush sades you know you look more gorgeous than i do" sadie then smirks "i know", millie jokingly slaps sadie.

a few seats away caleb and finn were also having a conversation "dude im so nervous, what if–" finn was cut off by his best friend "finn stop worrying, nothing bad will happen i promise you" caleb pats his back. "thanks dude i really don't deserve you" caleb smirks "glad you know" finn kicks him jokingly. "im kidding, goodluck finland!" caleb says as finn walks away.

he goes to millie as the music for the slow dance begins to play. finn was beginning to feel nervous again.

"millie would you like to dance with me?" finn puts his hand out to milllie. "of course i would silly!" millie reaches for finn's hand and they now are once again on the dance floor.

You are the one girl
And you know that it's true
I'm feeling younger
Every time that I'm alone with you

"fun fact millie, i don't know how to slow dance" finn awkwardly says. "it's okay just follow my lead. put your hands on my waist" millie says putting finn's hands on her waist and then proceeding to put her hands on the back of his neck.

We were sitting in a parked car
Stealing kisses in the front yard
We got questions we should not ask but

"you look beautiful mills" finn whispers to her ear. "oh stop, you're making me blush" millie gently slaps finn on his shoulder. "you look good too finner" millie now goes back to her position a while ago.

How would you feel, if I told you I loved you?
It's just something that I want to do

it was now the time finn has been waiting for. his confession for his love for the girl and a question he is so scared to ask. he pulls back from their dancing position. "millie it hasn't been long until we met and finally talked, i'm happy that we met through our desk. im sorry it took me long to ask this but... would you be my girlfriend?" finn says nervously. millie was speechless, and so she just smashed her lips into his. she pulls back, "of course finn!" she excitingly says hugging him.

I'll be taking my time, spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
So tell me that you love me too

"m-millie i-i love you" finn chokes out. millie felt like there was a bunch of wild children running and screaming in her stomach. she didn't expect this at all. a boy she met through a desk conversation told her that he loves her. she felt confused at first if she felt the same, but now she was sure of it. she doesn't know anything about love but she was now slowly understanding what it was. "i-i love you too finn" millie says teary eyed. they once a again share a gentle and sincere kiss.

they continued to dance. finn is glad he confessed, this night couldn't have been any better. it was definitely a night to remember.

How would you feel, if I told you I loved you?
It's just something that I want to do
I'll be taking my time, spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
So tell me that you love me too
Tell me that you love me too
Tell me that you love me too


— the desk; fillie —
ended: 1/24/18

an: thank you so much for all the love and support you guys have given me and this book ❤️

this book started out as an idea i only had. i never thought that i would've publish it and get feedback from people :)

sorry for all the mistakes and if you find some parts cringey 😁

goodbye for now! ❤️

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