Author's Note * NOT A STORY *

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Alright, so I just wanna say something.

A lot of people have been inboxing me, posting on my message board, and commenting on this book of suggestions asking me if I'll read their story. Some are even asking if I'd put their story on her just to promote it. Now, when I say what I'm about to say, I'll sound like a bitch; but it has to be stated.

I will NOT promote your story if I don't like it, or if it's not my cup of tea. 

I will however read your story.

I would not mind promoting the amazing author's that are undiscovered, but it gets tiring when people pester me about putting their story in this book of suggestions. Now like I stated; no bitch intended. I know it may sound like I'm PMSing, but I honestly just want to put this out here. 

I don't mind if you ask me to READ your stories, but don't get your hopes up I'll put it in this book. The title is, "My Favorite Books", therefor only books I like will go in here.

k. Now that all is said and done, I feel like a bitch. So I'm just gonna wrap this up with: I will soon be posting more stories I've been reading in this book.

I'm so sorry if you are offended by this, but frankly -- I just felt the need to say it. I don't want people to get their hopes up.


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