One Last Breath: Chapter 1

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Authors note.

I decided to start a new story after a dream that I had. I know it doesn't sound good but I based it off my dream and have now came up with an idea to develop it into a story. It's quite sad and I apologise if this story effects any of you in any personal way. I wanted to write a story that created more of an emotion to the reader making it more of a story than a pure fanfic -if that makes any sense. Don't worry it still includes One Direction and I hope that overall you will enjoy the story.

I tried to make the story also more descriptive so contains longer paragraphs.

I also just wanted to warn you that to begin with the story's chapters will not be posted as frequent intervals as I am in the midst of my exams and want to focus on them and I apologise for that also. But hopefully that with more of a holiday with nothing to worry about I will be able to make up for that by posting more chapters then.

Thank you and enjoy,

Somebody_or_Nobody x :)


'Where are we going?' I asked wedging the tip of my elbow into the ridge by the widow of the car. It was raining and hadn't stopped once for the past day or so. I never really liked it here in England, weather wise I mean. I've always dreamed of going to such places as America where you can go to the beach nearly every day and travel inside of the country discovering a new thing every day.

My mum is taking me somewhere, I have no clue what it is or where we are going. I live in a city that is close to London but not too close so that we can still escape into the countryside. People tend to stare at others for no particular reason though, like they're on edge or the other person is deemed as a threat no matter who they are or what they look like. I have no idea why, we've always been like this; so insecure about each other, like a animal takes cautious steps towards another species they've never seen before. But I like to think I'm different. I see people as a wonder or a mystery that we have to get to know to truly understand who they are and what they do. So I try and make friends with as many people as possible, trying to discover the different types of people you can get.

My mother loves the rain though, she always opens the windows wide to let the water droplets cascade down and into the house. I always ask her why, why do you like the rain so much? And she just replies with the same answer each time: "the smell on the pavement and the sound it makes is beautiful, if you listen you can almost hear the sound of the splatter as it hits the surface. Like a glass shattering gracefully"

I always laugh it off and shake my head, she comes out with all these weird things but I always wonder what she thinks of. In fact, I was named after the 'leaping of water', Tallulah, I quite like it as it is but my friends call me Tally instead as they find my name is too much of a mouthful.

'As I said, I'm not telling you until we get there' she said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. I've been asking her for the past half an hour, whilst tapping on the window repeatedly and drumming my hands against my long legs.

I gave a exasperated groan in reply bored of seeing the same scenery of buildings being built and people passing by glaring at others. The city has been called "The New Future" as they want to build new ecological houses throughout the city because the government hope we can replace our country to a more Eco friendly one.

I watch to rain droplets race down the window side by side and blurs of other cars in the background whiz by. I don't like car rides because I can't do anything without getting a headache. Despite this, I still get them frequently, and now I know why.

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