One Last Breath: Chapter 5

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'Who are you?' I asked somewhere into the light.

'I am your fear' and with that the light dimmed down slightly to show the room of an operating theatre and my family watching over me through the window like I was some animal experiment in a science room but what stood out was a figure. The voice inside my head. It was him. He grinned at me evilly and his eyes showed no other expression other than that. Why him?

'G-get away from me! Your not him! He's not like that!' I stuttered attempting to rattle my way out of the straps again.

He disappeared in a blink of an eye but his voice bellowed inside my head like a fog horn that was trapped in it. I screamed at the intense words he began to say as if he controlled or lived in my brain.

'I am him, love. And you better believe that.'

I screamed and screamed.

I screamed myself awake with my eyes darting around the room in search for him.

--------------End of Recap---------------

When I woke up my eyes watered as I realised it was a nightmare but I tried to hide the fact this clear liquid was glazing my vision so I hid under my duvet. I never liked crying, never did and never will. I always say to myself that it shows weakness, that I'm not strong enough to not let my negative emotions get the better of me. But here I am crying over a pathetic nightmare.
I rolled over to look at my phone; 04:36 am. Great. I'm one of those people that once they are awake no matter the time they can't get back to sleep so I decided to help clear my mind by diving into a book; The Fault in our Stars. I was at the point where Hazel was rushed to the hospital (spoilers) and tried to link it in with my current battle. She was me. We were the same. She was a grenade and so was I. Is this going to happen to me? Of course it is. But the only thing different to me and a character in a story is that it's real for me. I am incurable whereas Hazel had hope to survive. I don't. There's only one result for me; I'm going to die.
I stopped reading and placed the book down my side with my thumb still in the centre of the pages marking my place and looked up at the ceiling.

'Im going to die' I whispered to myself 'I'm going to die' I'm just a hopeless cause, why does anyone want to be around me? Why do they chase me around, making sure I'm alright with all of these appointments and treatments as none of this is going to prepare me for my almost certain death. What's the point in trying?

'TALLY!!' My mother shouted from below. I looked at my phone again: 7:48 am. 'GET UP! YOUVE GOT YOUR APPOINTMENT IN AN HOUR!'

I groaned and swiped the ever so quilted duvet that called me it's own away from my body 'Yes Muuuummm'

I got up a bit too quickly and the blood rushed to my head causing dizziness and my vision to blur but that was normal for me before all...this happened and stood for a second to gain back the balance I had lost. I dragged my half asleep body over to the wardrobe and stood there for a good two minutes staring at my clothes. I looked at the floor beside me spotting my favourite black denim jeans and pulled them on and picked out a band T-shirt but didn't bother looking what it was. I put my hair into a simple ponytail and applied basic makeup and practically rolled down the stairs and into the kitchen for breakfast.

'Hey' I said unconsciously to the body in the room assuming it was my mum.

'Hey' male voiced from behind me. Holy cheese balls, male? I spun round with a plate of toast in one hand and a glass of water in the other only to stare as Harry. My face fell. He can't be here.

'Yo-you can't b-be here' I staggered.

'Why not? We agreed to me taking you today love' I said somewhat confused to my comment as if what he was saying was obvious. I dropped everything in my hands letting the shatters of pottery splay helplessly across the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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