One Last Breath: Chapter 3

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Hey sorry I haven't updated in a while, it's half term finally and not long to go until I can completely finish school. Towards the end of the update -spoilers- of where I meet my friend is true.

The fact that we wrote lyrics together in year 3 is also true haha.

See ya in the next chapter?


- Somebody_or_Nobody


'Come on let's go' I said wrapping an arm around my mum guiding her instead of me out of the club. I felt in control of my life for once knowing what I was going to do instead of just knowing and counting down the days till my next doctors appointment. As we made our way towards the car, the van with the tinted windows had disappeared, the rain had stopped and the night sky and stars came out to play. I had no idea what time it was but I didn't care anymore. I felt a spring in my step for the first time since I got the news. Like I had a new purpose.

Liked I belonged somewhere other than the grave.

------------End of Recap------------


The rest of my week consisted of school trying to raise money for cancer, it was nice of them to try but I feel that to find a cure for cancer is hopeless. I almost see it like the plague in 1348, come unexpectedly but killing so many people and loved ones. I'd rather be in my position though, I would hate to be on the side of the relative like my mum is I don't think I would be able to deal with the loss of a loved one. I've lost my dad and I hate the feeling so I feel guilty for going leaving my mother on her own. I never really talk about my father and I'd rather not so I'll leave it out for now.

The school ended up raising only a measly £168.54 but it was worth a shot as I go to a fairly small school. Despite the friends that I hang around with no one pity's me, they see me as a person rather than a dying thing. I am still trying to work out whether that's a good or bad thing to be honest.

For example on the way home a girl in my form and her friend are known as the schools sluts, I would describe them in a nicer way but I can't. The girl in my form is called Jessie no one like her as she dresses in short skimpy skirts that practically show her bum hanging out of the end and her buttons undone all the way down to her cleavage. Her friend is just as bad with bleach blonde hair that is starting to fall out because it's dead as hay. They were walking behind me and I could hear them talking that threw me off.


'Is that the girl?'


'That lost cause in front Jessie'

'Oh yeah she is, she's in my form but so quiet like she's hiding something.'

I walked at a casual speed eager to hear what the were saying, curiosity gets the better of me and I tend to be nosey, the advantages of being quiet is that they don't expect you to do such things which I quite like as I get to know the schools gossip. I was wearing my normal school uniform minus the cardigan as it was so hot. I love hot weather but it causes me to go bright red which I hate as people tend to stare more than they already do. My bag was on my back bouncing on my bum as I walked and my hands naturally fiddled with the hem of my shirt when I'm concentrating.

Thing 2 gives a fake giggle that sounds like chalk screeching on the board 'yeah, do you think she actually has...what is it called again?'

'I have no idea something like can-cer? Yeah that's it'

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