One Last Breath: Chapter 2

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Hey guys, one week of exams down around 3 or 4 more to go. Can't wait, just love the feeling of crossing off exam by exam and throwing away years of revision notes. How are you guys anyway? Hopefully I'll be able to update That Girl as well tonight as I'm having a break tonight since it's Friday.

What do you think of the story so far? Any improvements or suggestions of what I can do later in the story? Just comment. I love receiving options both good and bad, I just want to write a story that you guys enjoy.

I never thought I'd say this, but I've learned to love writing about something I have learned to love.

See you in the next chapter?


- Somebody_or_Nobody


'So would anyone like to say anything about this session?' Nancy asked and looked around the circle with no replies and just smiled again. 'I would just like to let you know that, while we were having this session some very important people have overlooked us and will now join us to say a thank you and show just how strong we all are even though we don't know it ourselves yet. These people have always been strong supporters of the cause and club and have gracefully given up their time in their schedules just to meet some of the many people around the world with the same issei as you. And you are those few people.' Many of us exchanged looks as to who these people were, I was interested in the session for once and let me get rid of the lingering idea of tumours here, tumours there. So, I was excited for something and wanted to see them as soon as possible, I have an idea of who they are but I highly doubt they would. Nancy announces 'I would proudly like to present you with all five members of One Direction!'

-----------End of Recap-----------------

'Wait, what?' I said astonished to no one in particular as everyone burst into a chorus of conversations or some exchanging exited glances, raised eyebrows and the occasional squeal. I guess they're fans. It's like they all have this in common and I start to wonder whether it's been set up or not. Don't get me wrong, I love One Direction and have been so for a while now but I wouldn't consider myself a fan in comparison to people I know who yell at the top of their lungs when they've released a new song or something. It makes me laugh just thinking about how they used it give me a look when I didn't know something about them or I got something wrong. I expect them to walk out like they do on a TV programme or something but they don't.

It takes me a few seconds to even recognise that they've even entered the room for a start. They come in through the makeshift doorway to the area; Louis, Zayn, Liam, Harry then Niall. They all wear wide smiles that shows off Harry's dimples off in particular, some waving slightly and walking with a spring in their step. I have no words. My friends will kill me it's all I can think, if I even explain what happened in the first place. They make their way over to us and stand in the middle of the circle but face outwards in a circle of their own so at least one member is facing a person. People continue to giggle and laugh nervously amongst themselves not knowing what to do with their legs and arms that seem to be wafted about like they're swatting flys away. Although they seem to settle down after Nancy clears her throat quietly as if to say "shut up". We spend a few more seconds in silence taking in the scene in front of us, awing at their perfect features, each of them beautiful in their own way. However, I am caught out of my trance and probably everyone else's as Niall's sweet, Irish accent fills the room with echoes bouncing off the bookshelves and other furniture assorted around the room.

'Hi guys, as the lovely Nancy just said we support this great charity and thought it would be a treat to meet some of you guys. Plus there's free food.' He added cupping a hand around the side of his mouth as if he were whispering. Most of us laughed, whether it was genuine or it was a nervous laugh I don't know. Again, I didn't response as I was taking in every word they were saying.

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