Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I'm pretty sure I'm the only werewolf that feels empty. I have everything that I can imagine, I have two parents that are mates, an older sister that has moved out with her mate, and an older brother who has his mate.

My parents love me to death their pretty known because my dad is the Alpha King. My older sister Shannon has moved out with her mate and I haven't seen her in what feels like forever. My brother Daniel is over protective of me even though I am one year younger than him.

I would say that there's nothing special about me, nothing stands out. I don't have amazing looks like some other guys I'm just plain and simple for a werewolf, sadly. Average size, tan, brown eyes, brown hair that comes into my eyes, and I'm not muscular like most guys. I'm not smart either I'm far from it, this is one of the main reasons why Daniel is so protective over me. I was born as a premature baby, I'm smaller than what I should be, but not that small and my brain wasn't fully developed. My social skills were apart of the brain that wasn't developed so I'm more of a thinker than a talker.

I walked downstairs and ate my breakfast, that my mom has provided. She gave me a small smile "So this is your first day of Junior year are you excited?" she asked me.

I nodded my head in response and Daniel came downstairs grabbing his plate and sitting across from ms. "I hope you find your mate today," my mom stated with a happy look on her face, it was safe to say that she was beaming.

I almost forgot a pack was joining in with our pack so my parents had high hopes for me to find my mate. I want to find my mate to I'm tired of feeling lonely while everyone else is, un lonely?

"I hope you find your mate Trent," Daniel said.

He was waiting for me to find my mate since Daniel is going to be the Alpha King and I was going to be his beta. I needed to find my mate for him to be crowned and since I haven't Daniel hasn't been crowned.

"You guys need to go now or else your going to be late and I won't have either of you being late on the first day of school," Mom said scolding at us.

I rolled my eyes as Daniel and I made his way to his car I sat in the back as always when we drove to school because he picked up his mate, Ann half way. "I'm so excited to go to school I can't wait to catch up with everyone!" Ann exclaimed from the front seat.

She was just like Daniel, a social butterfly and it made me feel like an outsider being with them. "Are you excited?" she asked turning around looking at me.

I shrugged in response I hate school nothing good comes out of it. Teachers make me stay for extra credit so I don't fail, my parents are always called in because me, and bullies.

"Trent," my brother said pulling up to the school and Ann left us. "Don't forget if anyone picks on you, you can always come to me and I will beat their ass for you," he said.

I nodded my head quickly getting out of the car I was lying I wasn't going to tell Daniel if someone was picking on me. That would only make people pick on me more, imagine having your older brother pick your fights for you. How awful!

I bumped into something when I turned the corner it sent shocks to my body making me cringe in weirdness. I ended up falling on my butt, I looked up to see a boy looking at me. His eyes were green, his body was muscular and tan with his hair being brown. "Watch were your going dipshit," he barked at me walking past me.

I grabbed my books stuffing them into my backpack I couldn't seem to get him out of my mind. Those eyes, his voice even when he was being rude it was hot, and that body. I have never felt like this before and when I bumped into him, those shocks meant something. One thing really it meant that he was my mate.

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