Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"So how was your first day of school guys?" Mom asked as we were eating dinner.

I shrugged my parents were used to me not talking I only talked unless it was necessary. "Horrible this kid was making fun of Trent," Daniel said growling.

"What!" my Dad stood up instantly looking snarling.

"Yeah Ann was in Trent's class and they had to introduce themselves. When Trent went up he stuttered and this kid Malcom pointed it out to everyone saying stutter with a stutter," Daniel said informing my parents.

"I hope you did something about it," my Dad said.

"Oh I did. I beat him up until Ann came and threatened me with no sex," Daniel replied to my Dad.

"All right I'm proud you beat someone up on the first day and your mate is happy. That never happens you either beat someone up and have a mad mate, or have a happy mate and the person without bruises," Dad said hugging Daniel.

"Blaine sit down you shouldn't be congratulating him on that it was right of you to stick up for your brother but don't fight," my Mom said shaking her head.

"Paisley if Daniel didn't fight him then they would do it again so he did the right thing stop making my boys act like girls," He grumbled.

My Mom gave Dad a look "Are you okay Trent?" she asked concerned.

I nodded me and my Mom bonded more than my Dad, while Daniel bonded with him more. "Anything else happen at school?" My Dad asked.

I shook my head looking down at my plate avoiding his gaze. "I was hoping that you found your mate," Dad said with disappointment in his tone.

We were all waiting for me to find my mate because once I found my mate then that would mean Daniel becoming Alpha King. Once he becomes the Alpha King then I will be his beta so we were all waiting. It's kind of pointless now maybe I should tell them to pick someone else because Daniel is never going to be the Alpha King with me. Trevor doesn't want me and that makes sense I'm a fucking screw up.

"Well maybe you'll see her tomorrow," My Mom said trying to reassure me.

I shrugged 'her' my mate isn't exactly a her. Then again I don't have a mate because he doesn't want me. Sadly this isn't like the books where I find a new mate and my mate loves me. I'm stuck with one mate it's like that saying "you get what you get and you don't throw a fit" except mates usually never rejects someone.

I got up and started walking "Trent where are you going?" Mom asked me with concern over her face.

"I'm not hungry," I said walking away.

"But you always eat your food," my mom said as I walked to my room.

I sighed I have some problems here maybe I should run away. Isn't that what all the other rejected mates do and then someone sees them and they become best friends? Then again this is real life and you can't run away from your problems that's what my Mom has always said.

I might not be able to run away from my problems, but avoiding them just might work as well as running away. It shouldn't be that hard for me to avoid him considering that I don't talk that much and what are the odds of seeing him outside of school.

I heard my door open and I saw my Mom come in my room "Sweetie are you okay?" she asked me worried.

I looked at her even though my face is blank people always seem to sense what I'm feeling I guess it because I don't talk much. "Oh sweetie come here," she said putting her arms around me.

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