chapter four

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Dylan's POV:

I just said goodbye to Lacey, and continued on my way home down the street. While I was opening the front door, I saw a car that I didn't recognize. I rang the door bell when my father opened it. I havn't seen him since I was 14. When I or Lily asked our mum about our dad, she ignored our question. Although one day, when she was in a great mood, mum mumbled about dad being drunk and crazy.
"Son, I missed you" he told me with first tears in his eyes.
"Why are you back here?" I asked suspiciosuly.
"I already told your mother. I've changed. I don't know what mum told you, but I was a jerk, but now I regret everything" he looked calm. "You've grown up, but you havn't changed that much" he stroked my cheek.
I went up the stairs towards Lily's room, but luckily, she wasn't there yet.
Lily absolutly disliked our dad. She always knew something I didn't about him. Whenever I asked something about him, I bet she was fully concerned, but I didn't know why.

Lily's POV:

A new text message from: mum
"Your dad called me. He's coming home for a few days. He claims that he had changed."
"Thanks for the warning. I'll be at Amy's for a while" I messaged back.
"That's not what I meant, Lily" she sounds a bit angry.
"I know" I replyed.

*A flashback from 3-4 years ago*
"Mummy, can we talk about somthing?".
"What is it?" she was curious.
"What's your opinion of the LGBT+ community? I asked.
"I think they are just normal people. I don't get why some people hate them. Why are you asking, honey?" mum said in a nice atittude.
"Because.. I think I' about it" I was too shy to talk about it.
"Sweety, you know that I'll always love you. Why are you so shy suddenly? What did you start to say?" she asked
"I think I'm lesbian, mum" I felt the blush on my cheeks.
"That's okay, I will always stand by you, sweetheart. Plus, you just turned 14, you hadn't been in a relationship yet. Although I think it's too early to define yourself as a lesbian, I'll be here for you. If you need help on telling people, or if someone is bulling you because of it, you have to tell me immediatly." she said.
"Thank you for the support. It was unexpected." I felt so good after I told mum about it, and I was so glad she don't really mind it.
"Can you help me to tell dad and Dylan at dinner?" I asked.
"Sure" she replied.

At dinner:
"I'm sorry, it's Tom's birthday and I can't stay for dinner today. I planned a party for him, and there are only a few minutes until I have to be there.
He took his phone out of the charger and left.
"I'd like to talk about something this dinner. I became more confident about it lately. I already told mum, but I think it's the right time for you to know about it too. I love girls, not boys. I don't like it when you two make me pretend I love some boys from my school. I just don't like it and I can't handle it anymore." I said.
"It's completely fine, Lily. I don't mind it as an issue." dad said and I smiled. I was glad to hear the support from dad too.

Later that night:
I just got out of the shower, and heard mum and dad arguing downstairs.
"You can't send her to see a therapist because of it! It's normal" I heard mum saying.
"It's NOT normal, dear. She got insane. Did my daughter become one of those faggots now? She's freaking mental! She need to see someone who will make her stop with it!" dad almost shouted and I ran to my room and closed the door. I cried hardly. What's his peoblen? I'm his daughter, why does he hate me that much? Why does he see it as a problem?

In the morning:
"Hey sweety, yesterday something happend" my mum said when she entered my room.
"I heard it mum" I said sadly.
"I thought he was the one who is insane here. I tought he is the one who need a therapist. I thoght he might hurt you. I made him to go away. I threated him for coming back to here. You will be safe, everything's fine. Your father won't be here anymore. A father can't hate his daughter's opinion. I wish he is the first and the last who won't support you." mum said and I felt her pain when she talked about dad, and I understood she didn't have a choice.

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