#3 First Date

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♈️Aries- Has a nervous break down

♉️Taurus- Isn't nervous AT ALL

♊️Gemini- Takes 3 hours to get ready

♋️Cancer- Bangs their head on the wall wondering why they are so nervous

♌️Leo- Is ready to go in 10 minutes

♍️Virgo- Goes shopping for new clothes an hour before the date

♎️Libra- Asks friends for advice on how they should look

♏️Scorpio- Dresses totally awesome but doesn't think so

♐️Sagittarius- Dresses totally horrible but thinks they look amazing

♑️Capricorn- Cancels the date out of fear

♒️Aquarius- Spills something on themselves during the date and just leaves

♓️Pisces- Goes on the date nervous but it turns out great

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