#39 Night

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♈️Aries- Goes to sleep early

♉️Taurus- Reads on wattpad all night

♊️Gemini- Watches Netflix all night

♋️Cancer- Has a nightmare and is scared to have it again so they stay up all night

♌️Leo- Stays up till morning

♍️Virgo- Wake up early, go to bed late

♎️Libra- Plays games on their phone till the battery dies

♏️Scorpio- Somehow ends up on the floor

♐️Sagittarius- Listens to music until they fall to sleep

♑️Capricorn- Has a midnight snack every 5 minutes

♒️Aquarius- Falls asleep immediately

♓️Pisces- Are scared of the monster under their bed and in their closet

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