#35 Teachers

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♈️Aries- The teacher who wants to be everyone friend

♉️Taurus- The teacher that doesn't do their job

♊️Gemini- The teacher that doesn't understand what they're even teaching

♋️Cancer- The nice teacher

♌️Leo- The teacher that never gives any homework

♍️Virgo- The teacher that ALWAYS gives homework

♎️Libra- The teacher who is passionate about teaching

♏️Scorpio- The teacher who is so boring it makes everyone fall asleep

♐️Sagittarius- The teacher that is always late to school

♑️Capricorn- The teacher that tries too hard

♒️Aquarius- The teacher that doesn't give a shit

♓️Pisces- The fun teacher that gives everyone 100s because they're too lazy to grade the papers

A/N: I've seriously had all of these teachers

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