#8 On A Plane

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♈️Aries- Chatting with the person next to them

♉️Taurus- Calling the flight attendants over every 2 minutes

♊️Gemini- Is kicking the seat in front of them

♋️Cancer- Is sleeping most of the time

♌️Leo- Is playing music without headphones

♍️Virgo- Spends as much time in the bathroom as possible

♎️Libra- Has motion sickness

♏️Scorpio- Is drumming on every surface possible

♐️Sagittarius- Falls asleep on the shoulder of the person next to you

♑️Capricorn- Constantly asks the person next to them "are we there yet?"

♒️Aquarius- Is picking fights with other passengers

♓️Pisces- Is singing the Pokémon go theme song over and over again.

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