#43 Studying

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♈️Aries- What's that?

♉️Taurus- So confident they'll ace it so they only review the day of (based on a friend)

♊️Gemini- Study's so hard but doesn't get the grade they deserve 💔

♋️Cancer- Study's a little and gets an 100.

♌️Leo- Procrastinates til the day before 

♍️Virgo- Says they didn't study and that they're "gonna fail" but get an 100 regardless (it's always the humble ones, I tell ya"

♎️Libra- The night before: laying on their bed questing their life choices instead of reviewing

♏️Scorpio- Kermits death
("commits" if you don't get the pun)

♐️Sagittarius- Doesn't have to study because they're one of those people who only have to hear something once and they know it

♑️Capricorn- Guesses on everything and gets an 100

♒️Aquarius- A normal good student— gets a good grade no matter what they do because their parents would murder them if they didn't

♓️Pisces- Didn't even fxxking know there was a test

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