These Are The Rules

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We walked up to the security guard at the entrance to backstage, knowing the show didn't start for an hour and the boys would be in their room or whatever goofing off.

"Sorry ladies you can't come past here."

"But they're are friends."


"Charlotte and Tessa Evans."

"Hmm there's a Tessa Evans on the list under Nash but there's no Charlotte."

Then Tessa brilliantly said, "who's under Cam?"

"Well.. I'm not supposed to say but it says a miss Emily Asher."

I thought I was going to cry.

"You don't understand he's the father of my children, they're my bestfriends too."

"Sorry you're not on the list, you don't have a pass, and you weren't chosen."

Then the security guard and I started fighting, Tessa punched him and Emily came running out, apparently she's drawn towards drama. Blaise popped her head out and charged at us trying to.. well I don't know, she's not the best fighter but she tries.

Tessa and I were kicking butt until the police came. We were in the middle of getting cuffed for assaulting a security guard and an innocent bystander which I suppose is supposed to be Emily but I think the fake tree in the corner deserves that title more for the banging it got.

Then the boys ran out, hearing sirens, and it was like all hell broke loose... again.

Cameron immediately ran to the passed out Emily, she fights like a wuss, Nash ran to Tessa, Shawn ran to Blaise, and well I stood alone like an idiot until Carter walked over and asked what happened.

Being the irrational one that I was, I told him the complete truth so then he went over to Cam which resulted in a fight between them.

Cameron then looked at Emily and asked her straight up if she dragged herself into this fight because I was in it and she wanted to "cause harm to the lying whore."

She stood there looking like a deer in the headlights when Cameron stood up and walked towards me. I decided to ignore him and instead got into the police car. Tessa and I were given separate escorts to the station, and from what I saw as we were pulling away Nash was arguing with Cam, Carter was following us, Shawn was trying to calm Blaise down, and Matt, Jack&Jack, Hayes, and Taylor were running around back and forth trying to sort out all of the fighting.

Meanwhile my stomach was killing me.


I decided to take advantage of the 10 minute ride to think of some ideas for baby names.

"Hey, do you too idiots know any good names?"

"Better watch your language missy."

"Excuse you, I have Social Studies and I had to sit through several boring years of constitutional learning, I have the freedom of speech, and you can't do anything about it unless I'm threatening you, which I'm not."

"Whatever. Shut up."

"I will file a lawsuit."

"Please don't do that ma'am."

"Maybe if I'm generous, and if you stop and buy me a pizza."

"Anything. Just don't get us in trouble, my wife just had three kids, I need this job."

"Yeah well I'm preggers with three kids right now too."

"Oh shit really?"

"Yeah. And that girl that I was kicking the shit out of, yeah she got to go in with the daddy and he didn't even put me on the list. None of them did. I live with them for Christ sakes."

"Well as a police officer I'm not encouraging it, but as a man of society you did good girl. I would've kicked the shit out of the guy if I was your father."

"Yeah well my parents died way back when Tessa and I were in diapers."

"Aww I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah well.. we turned out just fine."

The other officer, that hadn't been saying much, turned, looked at my stomach, and raised his eyebrows.

I stared back, and soon enough we pulled into the lot.

I walked out and saw Tessa being dragged in, I let the men bring me to our cell but told them they better be right back with my pizza.

Tessa and I were laughing our asses off, eating pizza when Carter comes rushing in and rolls his eyes at this image.

"I raced in here assuming I was going to see two hysterical teenage girls that needed saving but instead I come face to face with you guys eating pizza and laughing like its been a good old time."

"Haha well we were just talking about names actually."

"Well at least you guys were doing something serious."

"But then we got started talking about how Emily's nose cracked like a walnut when I punched her."

"Well that's nice."

"It was pretty nice wasn't it."

Tessa and Carter look at me and roll their eyes. "and that's coming from the pregnant lady" Carter said.

"You haven't seen the best of it yet," Tessa said.

We walked out, well after we finished the ppizza which then of course I had to share that story so we were laughing like crazy. We walked out and of course Cameron was there. And he looked stunned at what he saw.

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