Why I Should Never Own A Laptop

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Also known as: For God's Sake, I Can't Complete NaNoWriMo.

My laptop's charger socket decided to crap out the, and after much messing around with the plug, hopeful looks as the power light flashed, the laptop coughed to life, and calling it names too vulgar for even Wattpad when the light flashed off and my computer died for the fourth time, it's now sitting in shame on my desk. Dad is pretty sure that he'll either have to perform open-heart surgery on mah child or replace the chassis (that's the schmancy word for the lower half of the laptop). Since we can't find a new chassis and I'd rather not have him perform surgery on it*, we're keeping an eye on a new laptop online.

Unfortunately, because it's an online auction at the opposite end of New Zealand, if I do end up getting said computer, even though it's the same model so we can just switch out the hard drive and everything will be on there, unless I somehow get my current computer working properly, the third version of Snowdrop will be delayed for anywhere up to two weeks. I genuinely am sorry for the delay, and it's kind of annoying since I was looking forward to getting everything done in the next few days, but I hope you understand. I'll try and get it up as soon as possible, but I just can't guarantee when that will be, since it's difficult enough keeping the power cord at the right angle to keep the connection going. In fact, I'm writing this with one hand and holding the cord in place. Not fun.

*And I do trust Dad, he gave the computer brain surgery when the screen case broke, but it's ten years old and I've been so damn rough that I'm surprised it's lasted as long as it has.

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