Chapter 20

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When they arrived at the diner, the limo pulled up in front and waited.

Rory looked at her mother, who had been much more patient than she expected, and told her, "ok Mom, I'm going to get out, but I need you to wait. Someone will get in and explain everything. I love you." She hugged her mom and left.

Luke was waiting outside the diner in a suit and overcoat, along with Richard and Emily. Rory went over to them. "She's all yours Luke."

He nodded and got in. He took off her blindfold gently and watched her eyes light up as she looked at him. "I need you to focus on me honey. This is all part of one big whole. Lorelai, it has not been easy. The road has been so bumpy...we have been thrown off course more times than I can count. But one thing has never changed, we always come back to each other because we love each other. There is no doubt in my mind that you are the one that I am meant to spend the rest of my life with. Will you marry me, right here, right now, in front of the whole town, on the first day of snow?"

Lorelai looked at him in shock. She had been wracking her brain trying to figure out what Rory was up to. She thought it had to do with the snow, but she never imagined this. Through all of the shock though, the one thing that stood out was the fact that she loved Luke, and he loved her enough to plan something like this. There was never any doubt, "of course I will marry you, any time, any where." She leaned forward and kissed him.

The smile on his face was huge, "thank god. Now I have to put this back on, but just for a minute ok?"

She nodded, and he slipped the blindfold on and got out of the car.

Rory was waiting to hear the outcome, and as soon as he closed the door again, "Well?"

"Emily, may I walk you down the aisle?" He asked with a huge smile.

"Of course you can Luke."

He nodded at Richard and Rory and took Emily's arm in his. He signaled to Lane and the band as they started down the aisle to begin playing a soft tune.

After they were gone, Rory stood back so that her grandpa could open the door to walk Lorelai down the aisle.

He took off her blindfold, and she looked at him and Rory and blinked a little. "Well, my dear? Are you ready?"

Lorelai broke out into a smile, "I have never been more ready for anything in my entire life."

She put her arm in Richard's, and they followed Rory to the aisle.

Rory turned around when she got there so she could watch her mom's amazement. She had never seen her happier. Lorelai deserved this moment more than anyone she knew.

Miss Patty handed Rory one of the two bouquets to Rory. "Get going sugar."

She walked down the aisle to the gazebo. She saw all of the townspeople, as well as, Logan and her grandmother sitting next to each other in front.

Luke was standing up front with Jess right next to him as his best man. They both smiled at her as she took her place. She looked at Logan, who mouthed "beautiful" to her with a huge smile.

Then, she watched Richard and Lorelai walk down the aisle. Rory could count on one hand the few times she had seen her grandparents look that proud - her graduations, Lorelai's college graduation, and their vow renewal. Now, they had another happy memory to add to it.

They arrived at the front and Luke shook hands with Richard, then Lorelai hugged him tightly and kissed him on the cheek. Next, she turned to Luke and put her hands in his.

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