Chapter 4: Shot Down

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5 years later

Another raid. More destroying stuff. Dawngaze loves it. She reminds me of someone I think I knew. But what I like about the raids is the destination: Berk.

A boulder whizzes past me. Catapult! I blast it with a plasma blast, causing a spectacular explosion. As I launch my blast at another one, something wraps around me. I'm Unable to move! I panic and scream as I crash. I hit the ground hard, the wind knocked out of me and barely conscious. Fighting my way back to consciousness, I start struggling to get out. Without success. A human could get out, if only I was. Just as I say that, my body did what it did five years ago, in Reverse?! I manage to free myself from the ropes. Only then do I notice where I am. The cove. Where my human life ended. And my Night fury one began. *yawn* I'm so tired. I switch back to being a Night fury and fall asleep.

Hearing someone coming I jump up, eyes open. A boy walks in with a book and a pencil. He starts drawing me. Do I know you? I think I do. Finishing his drawing he mutters "Why don't you just, fly away?" And looks at me questioningly as I look at him. He then proceeds to run off.

Night falls. If I can turn human, I could live among them for awhile, maybe I could, at least until the queen calls for another raid. I shift to human form and wonder through the forest looking for the town. It doesn't take me long. Wondering around, I found the large thing with a metal structure on top. Going inside, I fell asleep against a cage.

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