|5|Milk and Cookies

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Everything was a blur.

Her senses were completely off and she was surrounded by stuffed animals and plush toys.

A small light source peeked through a crack, shining right in Melanie's eyes

Melanie looked up, pushing up the surface, that appeared to be a lid, above her. It rose up slowly, revealing a small room.

The walls were damaged and poorly painted. There was a small fridge against the wall beside a wooden table.

In the middle of the room was another small table with two chairs pushed in under each side.

As Melanie lifted the lid more, she realized that she had been in a toy bin.

She slowly stepped out of the bin, closing it and looking around the room in confusion.

She looked over at the fridge and noticed there was a note left hanging on it.

She walked over to the fridge, gently taking the note from it and reading it.

"Leave cookies on the table no later than 3 o' clock, OR ELSE!"

Melanie stared at the note in confusion, wondering why her kidnapper would kidnap her just request cookies. Is he that lazy?

Sighing, Melanie let the note fall from her hands, walking around the room and getting ingredients for the cookies.

She grabbed a large pan and cookie cutters that appeared to be left just for the occasion.

She sat down at one of the small chairs, setting down the pan and a glass bowl beside it.

She reached for an egg, raising it above the rim of the bowl and striking it, cracking the egg open and letting the yolk slide down the glass slowly as it sunk into the bottom.

Melanie continued to do this two more times, then stirred it and moved on to the flour.

When she was done adding the ingredients, she mixed it all together.

Meanwhile, this entire time, Melanie hadn't known her kidnapper had been watching over her through cameras he had set up in the room. He watched the cameras with satisfaction, grinning through his thick mask.

Just then, his phone began ringing beside him. He picked it up and began talking to the caller.

As he talked away on the phone, Melanie arose from the seat and caused something to slip from her pocket and land on the carpet. She bent over to pick it up, identifying it.

It had appeared to be a small glass bottle with dark liquid inside of it.

Melanie's memory finally kicked in as she realized it was the bottle Fantasy had gave her.

She looked on the bottom of the bottle and realized it had a skeleton with crossed bones behind it.

It was poison.

Melanie sneakily went back over to the bowl, opening the poison and slowly pouring it into the mixture then tossing the bottle to the side when it was completely empty.

She stirred the ingredients one last time, pulling the pan closer to her and pouring the cookie mix on the pan. She grabbed a rolling pin and began spreading out the cookie dough evenly until it was spread across the entire pan.

She got all the cookie cutters gathered up around the pan, making sure to use each and every shape until there was no room to make more.

Once she was done, she put the cookies on a separate pan and slid it in the small oven that was built in the wall in the corner of the room.

By now it was two thirty, and the cookies would most likely take thirty minutes the finish, leaving Melanie slightly worried.

Thirty minuets had quickly passed, and Melanie removed the cookies from the oven and neatly set them upon a glass plate in the middle of the table.

She sat down in a seat again, waiting for her kidnapper.

In the corner of the room, what Melanie thought was a closet, rattled a few times then opened slowly.

In came her kidnapper, wearing that same wolf mask he was wearing when he abducted her.

He pulls a chair beside Melanie, giving her a creepy look that even she felt through the mask.

He sat down, picking up a cookie and taking a big bite out of it. He chewed for a few seconds, that began coughing, choking, and hacking uncontrollably.

Melanie smiled devilishly as she watching him collapse on the ground, repeatedly coughing.

"Do you like my cookies? They're made just for you," Melanie says in a sing-song voice, rising from her seat.

"A little bit of sugar, but lots of poison too," Melanie continues, pulling milk from the fridge and pouring it all over the man.

When all the milk is gone, she slams the bottle on the ground, shattering the glass.

She takes a piece of the glass, hovering over the man and striking the glass across his neck, cutting it open and sending blood pouring everywhere.

Eventually, the blood and milk blended, making a pink color and staining the floor badly.

"Can't take it anymore, need to put you to bed."

Melanie then grabbed a bigger piece of glass crawling down the the man's stomach, raising her arm and striking the man's gut, forcing the knife through his thin skin and causing his insides the slump out of the opening.

"Sing you a lullaby where you die at the end."

Blood flooded the floor, leaving the room with a very unusual scent.

At that, Melanie walked over to the closet, opening the doors and exiting the room, leaving the man's body there to rot.

"Honey, do you want me now?"

"Honey, do you want me now?"

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