Chapter One

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hey. i wrote this when i was like 13 or something, and i'm just putting it back up for nostalgia purposes. i'm leaving it completely unedited, and leaving all my cringey old authors notes. i will not be finishing it. (maybe someday i'll get back into dr who enough to fix it up but probably not)
- el <3



OKAY. This is my first fanfic and this was the first idea that poped into my head so I wrote about it. I know it's probably bad, but remember I don't have much writing experience and I didn't plan this out at all. I'm just winging it! ;)

You can comment any ideas, if I like then I might use them. It's nice to see peoples opinions on the story, even if they're not good ones. And if you see a mistake please tell me so I can fix it. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME.




I walk over to my TARDIS doors. In five minutes I will be someone else. I will have a new life, and new memories. I will forget my previous life and I might never remember it. But that's ok, I don't want to.

I tuck the silver watch into my coat pocket and step from the doors of my TARDIS. I delayed the chameleon arch's effect so I would have time to get as far away from my TARDIS as possible before I become human.

I step out and take note of my surroundings. I am at a small playground in England. It seemed to be around 2am.

My TARDIS disguised itself as a large oak tree; hopefully no one will notice it. They probably won't. Humans don't notice much.

I walk down a path for a couple minutes, then sit on a park bench. I check my watch. I have about a minute before I forget.

I start to doubt myself. Do I really want to do this? I might never regain my memories, and I'll die a human. No regenerations. But then I think about everyone I lost during the Time War; my parents, my friends, my big brother, who could even be alive. Although I know if he was, he would have found me by now.

I check my watch again. 10 seconds. I take a deep breath, then close my eyes. I have a small pang of regret as the world fades away.


I blink awake to the obnoxious sound of my alarm clock and rub the sleep from my eyes before closing them again. I am not a morning person. I just want to sleep.

I feel myself start drifting off again when the snooze goes off. I sigh and groggily climb out of bed.

I stand and get dressed. I put on my favorite Greenday band shirt and black skinny jeans, along with the ratty purple converse that never leave my feet.

I look at myself in the mirror while I brush my hair. I'm tall-ish and have straight honey colored hair and bright green eyes. So green that I am constantly asked if I wear colored contacts.

I apply a small amount of make-up before grabbing my bookbag and heading out to my car.

As I'm driving I hear a very faint noise; a mechanical wheezing and grinding. It sounds so familiar but I can't place why. I look around for what might be making the noise, but I don't see anything out of the ordinary. I shake my head. It must be my imagination.

I pull into the school parking lot and climb out of my small black outdated Honda. It has mismatched doors and breaks down constantly, but it gets me places. Exactly what it's supposed to do.

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