Chapter Two

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"All righty, see you later Kayla Meyers" he says.

I nod and walk over to the school. I look back as I step through the door. I see the Doctor walking toward the other entrance. I step into the school. As I walk past the library I can't help but look in. What I see surprises me. Everything is completely back to normal! All the shelves are upright with all the books on them. The only difference is the new librarian, who is giving a death glare at everyone who even makes the tiniest noise, like the squeak of a chair or a wrinkling page.

I walk to my locker where my friend June notices me from across the hall and walks over to join me. " Hey, Kay!" she says. "What's up? you look a little out of it."

"Oh, I had a weird morning," I say.

"Ah, I see," she said. "Did you hear the news?"

"Hear what news?" I ask suspiciously.

"We got a new principle!" she said. "And almost all of out teachers were replaced!"

I make a face. "That's odd," I say.

"Suppose it is, but it also means no more Mrs. Grimm!" I can't help but laugh at her enthusiasm. Mrs. Grimm is the nickname for our terrible math teacher, Mrs. Nimm. Everyone hates her, and I can see why junes so happy.

We chat a little more but then the bell rings and I head to first period gym. After I change into my gym clothes I head into the gym. The new coach is a huge middle aged man, who looks like a body builder. He's wearing a navy blue track suit with a whistle around his neck. He has a shiny bald head and an ominous look on his face.

I join the rest of the class in the bleachers. "Good morning class." everyone immediately becomes quiet. "I'm Coach Hull. Ten laps. Now."

This was going to be fun.


I walk out of the gym feeling like I'm about to pass out. That was probably the hardest gym class I've ever had, and I'm sweating enough to fill a bucket.

I headed toward the locker rooms to change and I wonder, does the sudden change in staff relate to the Krillitane? I haven't seen any Krillitane in the school yet. I remember what the Doctor said, that the Krillitane are shape shifters. My thoughts were interrupted by the second period bell. Time to go the the computer lab.

The rest of my classes are a blur of new teachers and boring lectures. By seventh period I am itching for something interesting to happen.

The bell finally rings and I head to my last class. Science. My favorite subject. I walk into the lab and there's the Doctor, standing in front of the room. This is gonna be interesting. As I walk by I raise an eyebrow. He just grins.

"Hello class!" he says excitedly. "I'm your new teacher, Mr. Smith!"

So this is his plan. Become a teacher to and get special access to things happening in the school. Clever, but how did he manage to get a job as a teacher so quickly?

"Now, I could tell you all to turn your books to page 573, like my schedule says. But that would be boring! so instead I'm going to teach you how to make a potato explode with some salt and and a car battery!"

Then he jumps into explaining something about salt and potato juice. I just zone him out and try to pretend like I'm listening. Suddenly I hear a loud boom, and lots of smoke. I look up and see the Doctor with his face covered in black stuff and his hair sticking up everywhere. The car battery is on fire and the potato is still sitting on the table completely unharmed. "Well that's not supposed to happen," he says, causing everyone to laugh. I just roll my eyes.

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