Chapter Five

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Hello, loves.


I really can't deny that it was mostly because of my laziness. I'm a lazy person. I'm Sorry... I'm so, so sorry.

and lastly, shout out to superwhoSE my real life bff. She has a really cool book about when the Doctor and the Ponds get trapped at a dalek amusement park. Dun... dun... DUUUUUUN...

That is all



It's 7am and I'm driving to pick up June. I promised that since I missed her birthday. I would take her with me to help with the Krillitane problem. Not exactly ideal but she seems happy enough.

I hope the Doctor is okay with it. I haven't told him yet and I don't know what he'll say. I can't think about that now though, a promise is a promise, he'll understand, right?

I pull into her drive way and she runs out of her house excitedly and starts blabbing about how exited she is about meeting The Doctor, and about her new shoes. I swear, I've never seen anyone talk as much as that girl.

She's still chatting up a storm as we walk into the school but shuts up quickly when the principle appears in front of us.

"Miss Winters, will you come with me please."

I glanced at June and nodded, forming a plan in my head.

"Yes, sir." she replied.

I watched wearily as she followed him to his office. I was worried, but this could be our only chance.

They turned their backs and started walking away. I followed silently.

I followed them until they went into the main office. I slipped in silently before the door closed, and hid behind the secretary's conveniently uninhabited desk.

Both of them walked into the principles office, which was separate from the main office, and shut the door behind them. I wasn't sure what to do now. I obviously can't just walk in to the office, but I need to hear what is going on.

All thoughts of eavesdropping leave my mind when I hear June's scream come from behind the closed door.

Without even stoping to think, I pop up from behind the secretary's desk. I run straight towards the door at full speed and kick it down. How did I do that? Must be hormones...

I scan the room for June and spot her whimpering on the floor at the feet of a very angry looking principle. I locked eyes with him and we froze, neither willing to speak first.

"Well, well, well." He finally said, breaking the silence. "What do we have here?"

"A pissed off hormonal teenager," I replied, "basically... you're screwed."

He giggled. No, really. He actually giggled. My seven foot tall, murderous, alien invader principle giggled. Just take a second to imagine that.

"Silly, silly, girl," he said, "you can't stop me. I'll get you, and you little friend too!"

Did he seriously just reference The Wizard of Oz? I thought he was an alien...

"Your delusional." I snapped.

"Oh really?" he said creepily.

"Yes really, cause I'm gonna stop you." I say. What's with the sudden confidence?

I just stare at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Because, I. Know. Your. Weakness. And I know how too use it against you."

And with that, he vanished. And he took June with him.

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