Chapter Six

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Hey frens...

Wow it's literally been ten months since I last updated this god I'm so sorry. I kinda lost all motivation to write this... But more people have voted and commented and such... Soooo here's another crappy chapter.

Srry bye.



For a moment I just stood there awkwardly, not entirely sure how to react to what just happened. What did he mean he knows my weakness?

Is it June? I mean, sure, she's my best friend, but that's just because she's my only friend. We've never been that close; we don't talk about personal things like best friends should. I guess I'm just too awkward.

Could it be a family member? No I doubt it. Both of my parents are busy business people; meaning they're always away at work and I'm basically living by myself, using money from the extensive bank account that was set up for me. Sometimes it's like they don't even exist. When's the last time they called anyway? They're always gone, they aren't a weakness.

Seeing as I have no other friends and I've never met any other family, I don't even know my weakness. Is it even a person?

Im torn from my thoughts as the Doctor comes barging in the office tripping over the door I knocked down earlier.

"Why is there a door on the ground, Kayla?" He asks getting up from the floor.

"I knocked it down." I sated simply.

"I've always wanted to knock a door down." he replied, pouting. "Anyways- I've come to save the day!"

"Your a bit late for that, darling." I replied dryly. Why am I so calm? I've been too calm with this entire ordeal. Any normal person would be freaking out by now. I remember I didn't even question the fact that a was in a bigger on the inside spaceship/time machine with none other than an alien time traveler. A normal human would have put themselves in a mental hospital by now. Well you're not a normal human, are you Kayla?

Yes I am.

No. You aren't.

Shut up inner voice that contradicts everything I say!

The clearing of a throat jerks me back to reality. "Uh, Kayla? Ya still in there?" The Doctor asks, tapping on my head.

I swat his hand away and shoot him a playful glare. "Um, yeah sorry. Got lost in my thoughts I guess."

"That's not healthy you know, thinking too much. Although I suppose that makes me in really bad health, all I ever do is think! And talk apparently, everyone always says I talk too much, I don't see anything wrong with that though. Talking is great! You can tell the world what's going on in you head! Its truly a wonderful thing isn't it! Fantastic! Brilliant! Oh dear I'm doing it again aren't I." He rambles on. Finally, he seems to notice the weird look I'm giving him and shuts up.

Suddenly reality seems to come crashing down. Where's June? Is she okay? What if he hurts her? What if she's killed?

Seeing the look on my face, and seeming to read my mind, he pipes up. "We'll find her. You have my word."

"How?" I say. "We don't even know where they went! Or how they even managed to disappear! Its hopeless!"

"Don't ever say that," he says suddenly becoming serious, "Nothing is ever hopeless. We will find her. I give you my word"


Sorry it's short af but I'm lazy and I legit wrote this at 1 am. I apologize.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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