Chapter Four

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SO! chapter four. yay.

I'm so so sorry that this chapter is so late. I've got really bad writers block, my mind is dry of any creativity right now. So this chapter will probably be bad. And possibly shorter. I'm trying! I promise! Please don't kill me!

Well. as I said before, I have no idea where I am going with this! So PLEASE COMMENT. It keeps me motivated! (I know some of you can't comment at the moment, bit if you ever can, please do!) Even though I have like 8 readers. (at the moment:)those that are reading this, id love any of your input on the story!

Ok, so enough of that





I wake up to the sight of stars on my ceiling.

With my eyes still blurry from sleep they look almost real. They are actually plastic glow-in-the-dark stars from Walmart that I put up on my ceiling a few years ago. If I squint my eyes I can imagine that I'm looking up at a sky covered in tiny glowing stars.

Suddenly, one of the stars unsticks from my ceiling and lands in the middle of my forehead. I blink a few times and slowly lift it off my forehead and examined it. It is a blue-ish one, about the size of a quarter.

I look back up at the ceiling. After a moment I notice something strange. In the exact spot the star fell from, there is a tiny red button, about the size of a plastic bead.

I stand on my bed and examine it a bit closer. It is in such a position that if the star was still there, it would be completely unnoticeable and hidden. At an even closer look I see that it is engraved with a "N."

I raise my hand up to the button and touch it gently without pushing it. I hold my breath and push it slowly with a shaky hand.

Nothing happens.

I let out a sight. So much for that. I was relieved, yet disappointed at the same time. I expected something to happen, I just don't know what.


I exit my car and look around at all the students. How can they be so clueless to what is happening around them? You'd think someone would have gotten suspicious by now. But no, they all just walk around, completely oblivious to their alien visitors.

As I walk to the school I glance in the direction of the TARDIS, but the trees are doing a good job of hiding it.

We had decided to keep the original plan.

I walk down the hall and towards my locker. I'm just finishing up at my locker when someone shouts, "KAYLA AGATHA MEYERS! WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?!"

I spin around to see June glaring at me, clearly angry.

"June!" I hiss, "You know I hate my middle name! Now the whole school knows it!" I say angrily.

"Do I look like I care right now? Why didn't you show up last night?!" She asks angrily.

"What?" I say, confused. "oh..." I say, my brain finally processing what she's talking about. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot! I just got caught up in something else and it completely escaped my mind! I'm so sorry, June!"

"Sorry doesn't help that I was waiting at a bowling ally, by my self, for three hours! not to mention, ON MY BIRTHDAY!" She said even angrier than before.

A couple people looked over at us and I pulled her away from the hallway, into a janitors closet. As I shut the door behind us, she said, "So? What's your excuse?"

"I got caught up in... stuff. Important stuff."

"Oh? What kind if stuff?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Then show me."

I was hesitant for a moment, but then I replied, "Ok, But you can't tell anyone." She looks surprised for a moment, but recovers quickly.

"Are you serious?" she says.

I nod. "Meet me out side by the trees during free period." I say. "Then I'll show you."

I slip out of the small closet into the hallway and and after grabbing my stuff, I head to change for gym. Yay.


Free period is a time between classes that only happens for the advanced science students. Every Friday the teacher gives us the day off from class, so we have about an hour long free period at the end of the day to do what we want. This is the time I chose to meet June.

As I walked over to the trees I saw June already waiting for me just in front of the trees. I approach her silently and wait until I'm closer to speak. I don't know who could be listening.

She looks at me expectantly. "Well?" she snaps. "What's the big secret?"

"It's behind those trees. But- before I show you you have to promise to tell absolutely no one."

She nods her head impatiently. I glance around to make sure no one's looking before leading her into the small forest.

When she sees the big blue police box she looks at me in question. "This is it," I say.

"This?" She snaps. "This? Was more important than my birthday?"

"No," I say. Then I lead her to stand in front of the box. "But this was." I say as I open the doors.

"B-b-but. That's-that's not possible!" she yells, running to the doors. She steps out side and disappears behind the TARDIS. When she walks back in she yells, "WHAT THE...WHAT! How does that work?"

"I honestly have no idea." I reply.

"How did you find it?" She asks.

"Well.. that's a long story."

"I got time!" she says.

I then tell her the story from the beginning, starting with how I met the Doctor, and leading up to this exact moment.

"So... we good?" I ask when I'm done with my story.

"We good," June says with a grin.



I apologize for this chapters shortness and uneventfulness but (as I have said many times before) I have no idea what I'm doing or where I am going. So, I kinda needed a filler chapter. I will try to make the next chapter better, but, you know.

On a completely different note! I just noticed that chapter two has seven reads, but chapter three has eight reads. This I don't understand for obvious reasons. Like, did someone just skip chapter two?...

Anyways! vote! comment! correct my grammar mistakes and typos! and have a good day... I guess... unless it's night...


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