Chapter Three

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Warning: this chapter may be terrible due to writers block, so sorry bout that.

I honestly have no idea what I'm doing with this book. I am basically ranting in book form....

Oh! and I decided to try to post at least once a week, maybe more. But my brain has a weird way of functioning, so I'm not making any promises.

Anyways, enough of my weird mind, I'm gonna attempt to do a good job on this chapter.



"So what's the plan Doctor," asked the older woman.

"Yeah, and who are they?" asked the other guy.

"That's john and that's Kayla, and I think we should-"

I interrupt them, "Wait. We don't even know who you are yet!"

"Oh, well I suppose if we are going to be stuck here together... this is Rose," he said pointing to the blond, "that's Sarah Jane," he pointed to the older woman, "that's Micky," he pointed to the other man, "and I'm the Doctor."

"Huh? but-" I start. The Doctor gives me a look that says 'shut up.' So I do. But not before giving him a death glare.

"So what are we going to do then?" asks Rose.

"I have no idea!" Says the other Doctor.

"You sound like him," I said pointing to my Doctor, who just chuckled as though he knew something I didn't.

We eventually decide amongst ourselves, to find a way out, and come back tomorrow and try to find out what the Krillitane are up to. They also decided that me and 'John' can come tomorrow and help, because I'm a student, and he is a teacher. Well, sort of a teacher. We will be able to look around during school hours without arousing suspicion.

When me and the doctor reach the TARDIS, I finally divide to ask him about the "other Doctor."

"Maybe we should go inside the TARDIS," he says.

I sit down in a chair next to the console, and look at him expectantly.

"Ok," I say, "I'm waiting."

"Right, right. Ok. Well, you know that I'm not human, right?" I nod my head. "I am of a race called Time Lords, and Time Lords have a way of cheating death. Instead of dying, Time Lords regenerate, or change into someone else. We get a whole new body and personality. Of course we keep our previous memories though."

"So what your saying is, that guy we saw, who said he was the Doctor, that was you? Or, a previous you?"

"Correctomundo!" He makes a face, "I thought I said I wasn't going to use that word again... oh well!"

I ignore that last comment. "So who were those people?" I ask.

"Oh, some old friends," he says sadly.

"Ok," I say, not wanting to press the subject any farther. "So, see you tomorrow then?"

"Yep! See you tomorrow," he says happily. I swear that man must be bipolar or something.

I step from the TARDIS into the cool night air and take a deep breath. I turn and watch the TARDIS dematerialize. "So that's how it works," I mumble.

I start to walk toward my car, but I'm knocked off my feet by a dark figure. I struggle to my feet but am knocked over again. Only this time I him my head on the concrete of the parking lot.


I awake to see the face of my terrible gym teacher standing over me. I blink a couple times but he is still there. I look around and see a couple of my other new teachers. And suddenly I get it.

I recall that the Doctor said the Krillitane are like shape shifters. Maybe all the new teachers are Krillitane. It makes sense now that I've thought about it. I start to panic and squirm around, and that's when I notice I'm tied to a chair in the teacher break room.

I look at all the people in the room, which consists of my gym teacher, my history teacher and my math teacher. There are a few others that I don't recognize.

"Ah, our prisoner has awoken," my gym teacher said in a smooth creepy voice. He defiantly sounds differently.

They all turn to look. The way they stare at me is unnerving, like they're about to have me for dinner. I squirm under they're gaze.

"What shall we do with it?" my math teacher asks.

"Leave it here!" says one in a raspy voice. "It will die and then we can feast! We have more important things to do now!"

"That is true,"speaks my gym teacher, who I assume is the leader. "But it has a high intelligence, it may escape."

"I'm not an 'it!'" I exclaim. "So don't call me that!"

"It is angry." says my history teacher in a weird, high, raspy voice. "I say we kill it now! save the struggle!"

"Well that would be unpleasant!" exclaimed a voice I recognize as the 'Other Doctor's.' He waltzes in the room, and appears to be completely calm and relaxed. Rose follows closely behind him.

He then flips the fire alarm, and all my Krillitane teachers cover their ears and scream in pain. Rose dashes over to me and unties me from my chair.

I jump up and run over to the 'other doctor' with Rose. We make our escape into the hallway just as the alarm stops and the Krillitane teachers, now in bat form, start coming toward us.

"RUN!" the 'other Doctor' yells at us.

We dash down the hall until we see a TARDIS. The 'other Doctor' is about to enter when he stops and says, "wait, I didn't park my TARDIS here..."


So we all clamber in and the 'other Doctors' face screws up in confusion. "This isn't my TARDIS..."

"Oh dear. I was was afraid this would happen" my Doctor pops out from behind the console. "I suppose this is a pair'O'docs then. Get it? Pair'O'docs, paradox! Ha Ha... ha... no? hmf! tough crowd."

The 'other Doctor' looks at him in utter confusion. "You... your..."

"Yep! You bet!" Says my doctor.

Rose speaks up, "But your so..."

"Cool?" says my Doctor.

"Childish." she finishes.

"Oi, Rosy, I haven't forgotten about you!" he exclaims happily. He then proceeds to give her a bear hug, and she seems quite taken aback by this.

"O-ok..." she stutters.

I watch the whole thing smiling like an idiot.

"Well this is weird." Rose states when my Doctor stopped hugging her.

He just grins stupidly at her.

"You redecorated." states the 'other Doctor' blankly. My Doctor grins. "I don't like it." he says with a frown, causing my Doctor to pout like a child that wasn't allowed to have his dessert.

"Well then!" I say loud enough to get everyone's attention. "You do have a plan, right?"

"No, I have a thing! it's like a plan, but with more greatness!" my Doctor says happily.

"Ok." I say. "And what might this thing be?"

He just grins.

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