Date Night Pt.1

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Y/N pov

I was sitting French listening to the teacher ramble on about irregular verbs or something.

I was more so worried about what I was going to do for the date I was suppose to take Michael on tonight Which I hadn't even planned yet.

"MISS L/N!" my French teacher said as he slammed his hands down onto my desk

"AH-Y-yes sir?" I asked trying to catch my breath from him scaring me

"Name a irregular verb now." he said with pure hatred in his eyes

"vouloir" I said with a grin

He looked at me befor walking back up to the front of the class to teach.

I let out a deep sigh cause I was shocked that i got it right.

The bell then rung telling us it was time for lunch. I got up and speed to the lunch room excited to see Michael.

I got my lunch and started to look for Michael, and there he was at our table where normally Me, him and Jeremy sat but now it was just me and him since Jeremy left us.

I walked past the table where Jeremy sat and glared at him as he shrunk down in his seat being scared.

I set my tray down infront of Michael and said "Hey babe, any ideas on where you'd like me to take you tonight?" I asked raising one eyebrow

He took his headphones out and looked at me "Take me where?" he asked tilting his head slightly which I thought was adorable

I laughed "For our date silly, did you forget its today?" his face went from confused to shocked "What, I thought you were joking"

I moved my tray out of the way and leaned over the table kissing him "Nope, tonight's our date and if you dont tell me where you want to go it'll be a surprise"

He grinned at me before going "then I want it to be a surprise" he said as he bent up and kissed me again, this kiss lasted longer then the last one.

it was also more passionate but was interrupted as our friends Connor and Evan (ha deh/treebros) sat down "Okay love birds please dont fuck in the lunch room" Connor said snickering as he shoved food into his mouth

"Oh you mean like you and Evan fucked in the janitor cloest?" I said grinning making him choke on his food and Evans face go red

"H-How D-Did you K-Know about that!" Evan said with embaresment

I let out a laugh "I was walking by when it happend, at first I thought it was just some jock and some cheerleader or something until I heard" I paused as  looked at Michael and he covered his mouth knowing what I was going to do

"Till you heard What" Connor said glaring at me

"Oh how did it go again?" I said as I put a finger on my chin

"Oh right, If im correct it was Nggh~ F-Fuck Connor Ah~ Oh God! E-Evan~ FUCK, Dont Stop"
I said mocking Evan and Connor as I watched both of their faces turn completely red

Evan shoved his head in his arms on the table as Connor covered his face.

Michael had lost it and started busting out laughing as Connor and Evan got up
"I LOVE YOU DUDES" I yelled as the were about to leave the room, Connor then turned around and flipped me off so I made a heart with my hands

I could see him groan as he grabbed Evans hand and left the cafeteria.

I looked over at Michael as he was catching his breath "Oh-Oh god that was funny" he said  chuckling

Before I could reply he leaned over the table and whispered

"But I want to hear you moan my name like that later tonight" he said grinning as he sat back down

I stood up with my tray and face as red as a tomato "W-Well I got to go, love you and see you tonight!" I exclaimed as I quickly made my way out of the cafeteria and to my next class

Authors Note

Okay so im going to end it here but this is part 1. Of 2 cause I dont want to shove everything in here (and cause im lazy) also there Will be a smut/lemon scene next chapter but love you all hope you have a amazzinnng day 💙💙

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