A Halloween party is a Rad Excuse Pt.2

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We walked into the party, music was blasting kids were drunk, high, you name it, It was going on.

Michael went to go look for Jeremy while I wondered around the party before rich came running up to me asking if I had any mountain dew red, I obviously told him no because I didn't, I knew why he needed it though.

I was then pushed up against a wall by someone I've never seen before

"W-Whoa! Asshole what do you think you're doing!" I said as I tried to push him off of me

"The names Jared (The insanely cool Jared kleinman) baby, and hooow about I make you mine tonight~" he whisperd into my ear his breath smelling of some kind of alcohol

"N-No! Get off me!" I Yelled as I shoved him trying to get him off of me but failing seeing as he was stronger then me.

"Oooh, you like to play hard to get, I like that~" he whispered into my ear before slowly kissing my neck

"Ngh~ S-Stop!" I whimpered as turned my head away from him

He pulled my head to face him and smashed his lips onto mine, kissing me deeply and began to run his hand down my inner thigh.

I refused to kiss back and let out small whimpers as tears ran down my face

'Michael, Help' I thought as he began to rub my womanhood through my jeans

"S-Stop!" I cried out as I used all the strength in my body to shove him off of me and running away.

I ran to the bathroom banging on the door wanting the person in there to open up as I heard

I knew that voice


I heard the lock of the door and it quickly opened I looked up to see Michael standing there, I quickly ran into his arms knocking him off of his feet and onto the floor

"M-Michael" I sobbed out as tears ran down my face

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him "Shhh, its okay Y/N tell me what's wrong" he whispered into my ear

My sobs turned into sniffles "S-Someone T-They T-Tried to.. To" I couldnt bring myself to say it as I clung onto his shirt

"Oh my god, baby girl ill kill them, im going to kill them" he said through gritted teeth

"N-No P-Please dont.. I just wanna go home" I whimpered as I shoved my face into his shirt.

"Whatever you want sweetheart" he whispered as he picked me up and carried my through the crowd and to his car.

He brought me back to his house knowing my mother was home. He brought me up to his room and sat me down on his bed.

He got me my favorite snack and drink and cuddled with me while we watched my favorite movie.

I looked at Michael and kissed him slightly. He smelt of weed, slushies and leather? I found that part odd but I loved it. I snuggled into his chest as we laid down onto the bed.

"I-I love you Michael" I whispered as I drifted off to sleep

      Authors Note

Holy shit I did Not to mean to make this chapter go the way it did but all well, I know this is kinda short but its kinda just a filler/Update cause I haven't had motivation to update

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